But you’d pay to watch Philly vs NJ in 2022?
Feel what you will, but if you had been in the Spectrum for nearly every home game between 1975 and 1987 you might have a different viewpoint.
I watch for Giroux, out of morbid curiosity for how bad it can get, and because I still post on this forum. The team as a whole is dead to me and I couldn't give a shit less about Philly vs NJ or anyone else.
But yeah, I'm sure I would have. But that's fit's into my nostalgia point. It'd be good because it was a good memory at that time. Not because it's objectively a good viewing experience in my opinion.
That's the whole point - it's your hill and you are entitled to think and believe whatever you want. It doesn't matter how wrong you are, which in this case is VERY wrong, but I do understand where you are coming from. In fact, I don't think you are wrong so much as the phrase "The Broad Street Bullies are Overrated" is wrong. Your thought carries more to it than that simple phrase, but as you know, I have to fit this shit into tiny boxes, so I appreciate the brevity.
Exactly, I was making sure it fit with a crude summary.
And yeah, again, this is my hill to die on, not something I think is an indisputable fact.
From my perspective it is and I can't be convinced otherwise, which is the whole point. Plus, the fact that it got this reaction means it did it's job perfectly.
Picking the other ones would've been too tame and boring.