Chuck used to eat paste when he was a kid in elementary school. He still does, but he used to back then as well. Eating paste, losing trades, collecting things from Minnesota--some habits are really hard to break.
A little plage update: there are tourists everywhere. Some really interesting body art these last few days. One woman had the dreaded portrait of her two children on her right shoulder / arm. This one was fairly well done though! It was recognizably human. B+ for execution. However, on her left shoulder, was a portrait of herself, but with clown make-up? Also, on her hand (the tattoo her's hand, not her actual hand), was an anchor tattoo? Well-drawn at least, but very confusing.
The worst was the 50-something dude with a freshly-tattooed tramp stamp. Apparently, he never got the memo that 1) tramp stamps are passé and 2) not for dudes. It was his only tattoo, from what I could tell. He was with his wife. She looked like Karen from marketing. No tattoos that I could see, and there was a lot I could see. Too much, quite frankly.