Every post you've written in this thread has been wrong. There were no reports of this in Sweden except rumors because the offender was a minor. The news wrote about it after the conviction, they did not get the ages wrong. you did. He is not a convicted sex offender. Not here in Sweden, not in Canada, not in the USA. He's convicted of defamation, which in Sweden is a crime even if what you're saying is true, and offensive photography, which can be anything from nude pictures without consent to someone not liking you taking a picture of them walking their dog. None of which are sex crimes.
In Sweden, just because a crime has prison time as a possible penalty it doesn't mean "had he been older he'd be in prison". It all depends on the severity of the crime. He wasn't 'lucky' to get away with a fine. He would have gotten probation and a lesser fine if they thought he'd be staying in Sweden. Probation in Sweden means you talk with Kriminalvården once a month and that's it. You could argue the fine he got was the harder punishment.
With the things you make up you've committed half the crimes as Logan did. Maybe you too should be fired and never have a chance at anything ever again.
The kid made a mistake. All eyes will be on him to mess up again, as they should. He still deserves to have the chance to prove he's a better person.