Post-Game Talk: Montreal/Reimer defeat the Leafs....


Registered User
Nov 22, 2008
Fredericton, N.B.
Do you understand why people are mad at him?


I understand that people are mad at him because we are not winning in OT or losing in OT when he puts up sv% hovering between .875 and .930, but we were when Bernier did. It doesn't mean I think they're justified in ******** all over him.

When Bernier had SV%s of .857 and .867, the Leafs were able to salvage a point. They couldn't with Reimer's .833, .875 (the San Jose game), or .889. When Bernier had SV%s of .903 and .946, they were able to eke out a win in OT (to teams in the Metro that are now ahead of us in points), but they couldn't even eke out an OTL with Reimer's .903 or .906.

For what it's worth, that extra .5 goals per game in offensive support might also have something to do with Bernier's two extra OTLs and two extra OTWs, esp. when Reimer's non-SJS losses have all been 'close games' late into the third until some derpy penalty/play and he's put up comparable or better SV%s to Bernier in four of Bernier's point-earning games.

If one extra save might be the difference between a win with Bernier and a loss with Reimer, perhaps one extra goal might be too.


I never said that. I want to see this production atleast half of next season as well before i consider him a legit number 1 C.
However calling bozak mediocre is flat out wrong. He has been great this year

I wouldn't call bozak's production "Great". Playing with elite wingers who set him up he better put up those numbers, so it has been a good production nothing great.

Kessel set Bozak up 4 times tonight of which he only finished one chance. These are some of the things that frustrate me.


Registered User
Sep 12, 2011
i havent read any posts BUT i am sure everyone is blaming Reimer.

All I have to say is this;

While Reimer let in a couple soft goals, none worse than the 4th one, our team defence is more to blame. I dont know how many times, we cant get the puck out, give the puck up and there is a player all alone to get an easy goal. As well, what should we expect from Reimer? He hasnt played a lot. He kept us in the game we won against LA, did it again the other night and then our coach says "he played just OK?" Great vote of confidence. The feud with Randy and Reimer, is well documented "stare of death." I would normally say, that the media, has blown this up yet again HOWEVER...Reimer has always been a class act. Awesome attitude, no excuse kind of guy. A guy that will blame himself before any of his team mates. As well as, a person who said that though he wants to be #1 if Bernier is what the coaches think will give us the best chance to win he is all for it.

Randy is known to be hard nosed, and make comments about his players, to the media and behind closed doors. The Giggy incident in ANA, Lupul in ANA, MacArthur in Toronto and Grabs (though Grabovski was being a whiny beep, when he got bought out, and couldnt score in the playoffs when called upon and got #2 center minutes).

Keeping with Reimer. I hope fore his sake he gets moved in the off season. He is obviously athletic, a fighter, with a great attitude. While every goalie in the world wants to be #1, some goalies are better suited as backups. Goalies who can sit more than play, and when called upon looks can give his team a chance. Reimer does give us a chance in my opinion. In saying that though, he needs to play more than every 20 games. LA aside he looked very lost, and still does most of the game. I think that is due to bench warming and not getting in the groove. Randy making that stupid remark, made it worse, as it has obviously rattled Reimers confidence.

Lets not forget that our team defence has been horrible all year. The one key difference with Bernier is that he is like velcro. He has far superior rebound control, including being able to deflect pucks up and out of play if we are in trouble. I suppose you could say Reimer being in goal, should really open the eyes of Dave Nonis.

Though not a mystery that our defensive game has been terrible; through shots against stats as proof. I think the last 4 games have opened Nonis' eyes further to the problem

So what do I think should happen?

Well first, regardless if we make it or not, trade Reimer. For his sake, as well as the sake of us getting better. We need a goalie, who is more experienced, and basically knows he is #2 to Bernier. The next thing that needs to happen is either; fire Randy (esp if we dont make it) not because he is a bad coach BUT because he is supposed to be a defensive wizard..and if you look at our back end, while it isnt the best personnel for the job there is no reason for how badly we get out shot, and how often we give the puck away for easy goals. If Randy stays, or if he doesn't, we still need to bolster the blue line. Get a marquee guy. I would rather a veteran (not too old) but someone who you know will get the job done. In saying that I hope we can do what we need to do without losing Gardiner ! I know Reilly is safe, but it has been mentioned before that Gardiner has been shopped. I would way rather give Kadri. In saying that though, I dont think we trade Kadri for a dman. I think if Kadri goes it would be for a center and one that can slide right into #2 and I say #2 because no matter what any one says, Bozak and Kessel have something special along with JVR. Yes if we got for eg Kesley (doubt it) BUT if we did..I would rather see him on the 2nd line, spread the wealth a bit. Try him on the PP with Kess and JVR. What brings home the cup is depth. Boston is proof of that, so to is Pitts and CHI.

I know this has turned into a rant BUT tnights game was so frustrating. I hate that lately things have gone so south, so fast. Bernier injured...the leafs season issues defensively glaringly coming to the forefront, and Randy not helping an already unfortunate situation by rattling Reimer's head. In addition, I hate to blame a loss on the officials, but I said to my dad "are the Canadiens paying the refs?" When they played OTT the MTL player sat on Lehner preventing him from being able to get into position for the save and boom MTL comes back to win. Tonight...JVR gets pushed into Price, and there you have it. Need more proof? Any1 recall Malkin pushing Bernier into the net before shooting and scoring? If that isnt interference what is? All I am saying is there needs to be more black and white..not grey area. While tnights call looked the part before the replay..when you see it again you can clearly see the MTL dman lead JVR right into price..the ref had a perfect view...and while I agree the refs cant get it all right, all the just seems as if when the game is with in reach and we are pushing the make that bad call.


John Tavares is a Leaf!
Mar 13, 2013

I understand that people are mad at him because we are not winning in OT or losing in OT when he puts up sv% hovering between .875 and .930, but we were when Bernier did. It doesn't mean I think they're justified in ******** all over him.

When Bernier had SV%s of .857 and .867, the Leafs were able to salvage a point. They couldn't with Reimer's .833, .875, or .889. When Bernier had SV%s of .903 and .946, they were able to eke out a win in OT (to teams in the Metro that are now ahead of us in points), but they couldn't even eke out an OTL with Reimer's .903 or .906.

For what it's worth, that extra .5 goals per game in offensive support might also have something to do with Bernier's two extra OTLs and two extra OTWs, esp. when Reimer's non-SJS losses have all been 'close games' late into the third until some derpy penalty/play and he's put up comparable or better SV%s to Bernier in four of Bernier's point-earning games.

If one extra save might be the difference between a win with Bernier and a loss with Reimer, perhaps one extra goal might be too.
Like I mentioned, at Bernier's lowest point he got us the win. Reimer didn't. That is a big difference considering we are at a really tight spot.


Registered User
Nov 22, 2008
Fredericton, N.B.
Like I mentioned, at Bernier lowest point he got us the win. Reimer didn't. That is a big difference considering we are at a really tight spot.

When Reimer's performance at the lowest point is comparable or better, can we really say that Reimer didn't?

The team scored 4, 4, 3, 3 goals in those games (OTL 5-4, OTL 4-3, OTW 4-3, OTW 3-2). They scored 3, 3, 3, 2, 2 in Reimer's losses.


Registered User
Mar 30, 2012
Yup. SSJ2 Gohan FTW!

:yo: Actually I recently bought the entire Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball Z series in Blue Ray. Gunna watch it all over again sometime.

Anyways on topic, I am really sad about Reimer. I was a huge Reimer supporter going into this season but he has really played his way out of Toronto. It's a shame, he is such a nice person and very likeable.


I gotta ask what is Carlyles system? I have watched every minute (well close) of Leaf games since he took charge I have no idea what the "system" is to get out of their own end. At one time it appeared to be reversing the puck every time it came on your stick, drove me nuts. After rotten Ron I thought the team would tighten up, not so.

From what I have gathered as soon as the leafs get possession in their own zone they just zing it around the boards hoping the wingers will get it but the pinch D from other side make it hard,


they will try the stretch pass with wingers cheating and the pass gets intercepted OR not collected cleanly


(much worse)

Stretch pass that works but gets tipped in for frechecking but that forecheck is never established

it is quite frustrating. Things should be kept simple but Carlyle makes it difficult. Also the stupid collapsing bit in our zone is another boneheaded system Carlyle runs leaving the points open. This led to our demise in game 7 and for most of that playoff series. And it still haunts us. I guess Carlyle didn't learn yet

One thing that worked a little last season was flipping the puck to the neutral ice but they have not been doing that this season don't know why when everything else is failing


I made a funny!
Jul 15, 2009
I used to pass out to LeafsTalk and wake up to this stuff being on. It was pretty weird.:)

did you fall asleep during mike in buffalo?

tonight he was kept to only a couple minutes, i was impressed.


Registered User
Oct 6, 2011
did you fall asleep during mike in buffalo?

tonight he was kept to only a couple minutes, i was impressed.
I've given up on Leafs Talk. The other night Frost even admitted at 10:25 that they probably wouldn't be able to get to any other callers because..............Mike in Buffalo was up next. FFS


John Tavares is a Leaf!
Mar 13, 2013
:yo: Actually I recently bought the entire Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball Z series in Blue Ray. Gunna watch it all over again sometime.

Anyways on topic, I am really sad about Reimer. I was a huge Reimer supporter going into this season but he has really played his way out of Toronto. It's a shame, he is such a nice person and very likeable.
Loved every saga of Dragon Ball Z. Though I haven't seen much of Dragon Ball. (Last time I watched it I was 5)
When Reimer's performance at the lowest point is comparable or better, can we really say that Reimer didn't?

The team scored 4, 4, 3, 3 goals in those games (OTL 5-4, OTL 4-3, OTW 4-3, OTW 3-2). They scored 3, 3, 3, 2, 2 in Reimer's losses.

Well maybe it's the way the team plays? Reimer gives up three or more goals in the first period at least three out of his last four starts. Don't you think that affects the team's morale? I don't think you can win games when you have to catch up every single time.

Also, I'm not sure what your trying to say for the first part, because Bernier has been the better goalie all season long. His lowest beating Bernier lowest does not make him worst goalie since the Olympic break. I'm sure many leafs fans value wins over loses.


Registered User
Dec 26, 2010
Reimer has been everything we could have asked for up until this week (a few bumps in the road on the way, but every goalie/player has that).

Realistically, Reimer wasn't good enough tonight, wasn't fantastic against Tampa and wasn't very good against Detroit either.

Are these three games winnable despite what Reimer was giving? Of course. The team in itself didn't play well enough to bail him out, which he deserves.

I feel bad for the guy. He deserved a better ending to his tenure in Toronto. It certainly isn't a forsure thing, but I get this feeling that this start was his last here. Mac likely goes in tomorrow and Bernier back - playing every game from tuesday to the end of the season.

Going to be a tight race to the playoffs. Can't say i'm optimistic.


How do you know this is a fact?

If you read my post you would have seen that i said "in my opinion" did not state it as a fact.

but it seems pretty obvious. Last year we were defensively bad as well but werent as fragile as we are this season.

Last year we had flipping the puck in the air or off the glass and using speed to force play when other team had posssession I haven't seen that play this season at all

Meanwhile, our team still uses the same stupid break outs with no structure that hasn't worked well, we get forechecked easily and get pressured easily in our zone doesn[t matter which line is on the ice.

Last year Carlyle had the luxury of running a shut-down line


This year he has no shutdown line.

And our offensive zone plays are just :facepalm: worthy


Registered User
Oct 3, 2009
Not that it would make a difference but what was the point of dressing Orr? He didn't fight anyone when we were down or laid down hits.

Holland would have been a better option. We need hitters who can skate. God I miss Komo


I made a funny!
Jul 15, 2009
I've given up on Leafs Talk. The other night Frost even admitted at 10:25 that they probably wouldn't be able to get to any other callers because..............Mike in Buffalo was up next. FFS

haha, i miss stormin norman.


Registered User
Sep 12, 2011
I wouldn't call bozak's production "Great". Playing with elite wingers who set him up he better put up those numbers, so it has been a good production nothing great.

Kessel set Bozak up 4 times tonight of which he only finished one chance. These are some of the things that frustrate me.

UMMMM...ya people need to wake up. Bozak isnt a big name like Staal, Toews, Crosby Getzlaf cant say he is just ok (who are you Randy's nephew lol)

Ill tell you why.

Kunitz isnt a first line winger BUT with Crosby look? Same with Dupuis, you think he is a top winger? No he isnt but with Crosby he is.

What I am saying is, you cant say Bozak's numbers are super inflated because of Kessel and JVR. Sure it really helps; however, look at that line with Kadri down the middle. He is supposed to be "the man," and while he is younger and still developing..why couldnt Kadri put up Bozak like #s?


It is a little thing called chemistry.

Do you recall when NYR had Theo Fleury, Gomez (in his prime) and basically an allstar team lineup? Where did they finish that year? Dead last !

While skill with skill is always a great thing, you need balance. You need chemistry. Chemistry in my mind will get you further than JUST talent alone. If you know where your winger will be all the time, and his abilities that is a big time advantage.

Team Canada this year in the many players with BIG skill were put with Sid? And what happend in the end? Kunitz on the wing? and Gold medal game? Oh ya Sid scores the winner and Kunitz the insurance. There is the can argue all you want BUT I dont know how you can with the Olympic example given.

I am sick to tears of certain fans, not giving credit where it is due. Any one still want to say Burke is an idiot for doing the Kessel deal? NO i dont think so..funny thing though last year people were still saying Burke is stupid...and look Seguin got traded to the West and ya he is great and will get better BUT Kessel is an elite goal fact his numbers put him as the best leaf since the cup days in all offensive categories.

But back to Bozak..all am saying is stop already..the guy is having a great year. Whether he is with two great wingers doesnt matter...what matters is his play. Oh and food for thought..though a penalty shot who won the winter classic for us? And the following shoot out? Kessel no no wait JVR no no I got it ummm BOZAK


I made a funny!
Jul 15, 2009
you know its an important game when all these posters ive never seen before come out of the wood-work and leave essays on how the leafs made them feel.

this sucks.


Registered User
Mar 20, 2014
I am from PEI and I have to say that Drew MacIntyre has a good head on his shoulders. Anyone who has waited this long for his break into the NHL is going to work his tail off to be successful. There is a risk here for Drew too in that it is finally the make or break time. May I remind everyone that in the preseason Drew had the best stats of both Bernier and Reimer. I think sometimes everyone forgets that. In the preseason Bernier and Reimer had just as much to prove too as did Drew too. You can't tell me they weren't vying for the number one goalie position from the moment Bernier arrived in Toronto. Drew was just happy to be here for the preseason and knew he wasn't staying. He has even more incentive now and when he is motivated he plays better.


Registered User
Jun 5, 2011
I am from PEI and I have to say that Drew MacIntyre has a good head on his shoulders. Anyone who has waited this long for his break into the NHL is going to work his tail off to be successful. There is a risk here for Drew too in that it is finally the make or break time. May I remind everyone that in the preseason Drew had the best stats of both Bernier and Reimer. I think sometimes everyone forgets that. In the preseason Bernier and Reimer had just as much to prove too as did Drew too. You can't tell me they weren't vying for the number one goalie position from the moment Bernier arrived in Toronto. Drew was just happy to be here for the preseason and knew he wasn't staying. He has even more incentive now and when he is motivated he plays better.

Nothing to lose now, especially since 5eimer can't stop a beachball.


Registered User
Sep 12, 2011
I am from PEI and I have to say that Drew MacIntyre has a good head on his shoulders. Anyone who has waited this long for his break into the NHL is going to work his tail off to be successful. There is a risk here for Drew too in that it is finally the make or break time. May I remind everyone that in the preseason Drew had the best stats of both Bernier and Reimer. I think sometimes everyone forgets that. In the preseason Bernier and Reimer had just as much to prove too as did Drew too. You can't tell me they weren't vying for the number one goalie position from the moment Bernier arrived in Toronto. Drew was just happy to be here for the preseason and knew he wasn't staying. He has even more incentive now and when he is motivated he plays better.

I doubt Drew gets a game. I honestly think Bernier is back for Tuesday.


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