Watching opposing amazing players is one thing , actually liking them is another. I despise that sports have become so "buddy, buddy". Players should dislike opponents, after all there is one thing both teams are trying to get......a win.
For me, Freeman became likeable when he had that mic on in the ASG. I really try to avoid liking opponents players, and wish our Metsies did the same.
Keith Hernandez said......most teams didn't like them, and he didn't fact he liked it.
It's competition......not a popularity contest.
Somebody gets a double, and the 2nd baseman or shortstop smacks opposing player in the ass and starts yapping. Something's the wife, kids and gjrlfriend doing?
I simply don't like that crap. Same in my favorite sport of hockey, albeit much much less.
Freeman will not make be become a hypocrite.