As respectfully as I can manage, no. It’s not a political issue to many. It is an issue that has become politicized. That’s indisputable. To be clear, I’m not talking about a shirt or a night or anything else superficial like that.
But I would never think less of someone personally because they want more/less taxes or bigger/smaller government or even gun control. This isn’t an issue of what you or I think is the best way to accomplish something. It’s about being kind. That’s it.
I remember when you used to be pleasant. Are you ok? This is 100% serious. My PMs are always open.
It becomes politicized when players are coerced to support something they don't believe.
Whether the player's position is right or wrong, who wants your boss to tell you what to think and publicly endorse things you don't agree with?
It is corporate coercion I object to, I don't want corporations deciding what people should think or do, however "enlightened" they are (and this works both ways, Walmart, etc. are owned by hard right wing billionaires who I don't want coercing their employees either, whether political speech or tailoring their health plans to deny access to contraception). A company has a
narrow interest in ensuring employees,
as employees, don't hurt the company by their actions or speech. Past that: "leave those kids alone."
I don't want corporations lobbying on social issues (I'd ban all corporate political contributions as well, it's an "it", a legal fiction, not a person) b/c I feel the more companies co-opt the political space, the more danger we are of sliding into something akin to national socialism (an unholy alliance of corporatism and authoritarianism, as LA shows, this can be a disaster on the Left or the Right). I want citizens, as citizens, to be politically and socially active.
"Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold"