not even Bedard will impact NEXT season. Everything we do right now is or at least should be projected to benefit us when the deadcap is gone/severely lowered. I would GLADLY take a top 5 pick in this upcoming seemingly strong C prospect heavy top of the draft as the top 5 projects 4 C to go and at least 2 that i have read look to be game changers. We wont know for years obviously and in our current position that is ok. We cant do anything these next 3 years but get lucky with some of our current prospect development and a lot of lightning in a bottle. Rossi, Lambos, Faber and Wallstedt need to hit for us to stand a slight chance and yet we still need another decent C more than likely. A one year tank isnt meaning we are competing for the cup next year, its simply allowing us to grab that top 5 pick/hopefully 1oa and then get back to competing in the playoffs and hope at the end of the dead cap Bedard is here and ready to rumble.