There is no right or wrong.
You're ok with it when Wilson does it. You're not when it's not a guy on your team.
It's fine, that's what being a fan is, but I'm tired of pretending that's not what it is.
And miss me with "oh but, Wilson didn't do this specific thing!" He's hurt people and he's tried to hurt people. You've defended it.
It's not about which guns I'm sticking to. You're framing this as being ok with one thing and not another thing, so it's hypocrisy.
No. I'm saying none of us lose sleep, as fans, when our own team's players are dirty. All of the "but this thing is different because reasons!" is just deflection.
So all of the "gotchas!" that these threads revolve around are pointless.
He made a very dirty play and he'll rightfully be suspended. Not one Rangers fan will lose a wink of sleep over it, just like you never did.