So therein lies the problem that I am even speaking of. It's irrelevant what I think on how they build the team, I think its the wrong approach. Yes I have the advantage of hindsight to prove my point, but if this team and the fans think there is a shortcut to the end, history has shown that is next to never accurate. And that's what this post is about right? How we feel about management? If fans are ok with it cool cool, don't let me stop your run. If just making the playoffs is the goal, but to get there, the sacrifice is your future every time regardless of the current make up, cool. If you are never to win the whole shebang, and this is the strategy every time, but as fans you are ok with it. Cool. There is no I told you so's both ways. You live with it or u don't. I just choose to put my foot down now and say enough enough. If mediocrity is the selling point and fairweather fans jusr want a good time cool.
You cheer this team. This team is made up of many players. If it wins the cup does it matter whose on the team? To think we have a window based on the thoughts of 3 players, if that's what your debate is, well then ull cheer them to win anywhere. As a fan of of this, you should want the best for the franchise as a whole. Part of the process is gonna be hard at times, being Canucks fans, everyone knows that pain. That pain has never subsided, so this is the reason for the angst. When you start cherry picking reasons why it's ok then, maybe you are more a fan of the player and not the team.