Wow, you really have a bug up your bu(( when people actually don't rely on knee jerk politically and racially correct thinking.
I think you're taking this way too personally and interpreting it as an attack on you. All I'm doing is providing detailed rationale and relating it to hockey, using similar examples.
I've also stated that I think things have veered way too far in the 'other' direction (re: wokeness or whatever term you'd like to use), but that doesn't mean you can't still stand up or speak out against shit.
I prefer to think for myself.
Start doing it?
First, why did you include s comment by someone else in your ridiculous rant about me? Pointless!
Did you actually have something to say or just need attention by reposting
It seems that I broke your brain. I didn't repost anything (unless the forums glitched out or something and a double post was deleted.)
AA claims racism and no doubt there was, but using racism for failure to make it in the NHL in the last 20 years is pretty lame.
I don't think Aliu has said that the reason he isn't an NHL player is because racism. I do think that he has spoken up numerous times about the role racism has played in the sport and how it's impacted players.
Once again: we were discussing Steve Simmons utter dismissal of Aliu's knowledge of racism in hockey because he was part of "23 organizations." Not whether or not he was an NHL player.
You're proud of thinking. Do your best Winnie the Pooh impersonation and thinkthinkthink.
Unfortunately people like you fall back into the politically correct and racial correct assumption that every time a person of colour claims racism it's factual. That's actually a form of racism in itself, because it assumes that racism is so prevalent and systemic that this is an undeniable truth every time it is claimed.
No one was saying this or is saying this in this discussion. You're creating an argument out of thin air.
Once again, Bill Peters straight up admitted to using racial slurs when talking to Aliu. The history between Aliu and Steve Downie, and it having a racist bent, is very well documented. Aliu lost 7 teeth.
Basically showing that Critical Race Theory is a big stinking mess in a cow pasture. African Americans incidently, were near the bottom economically compared to their peers. Now, if systemic racism did exist, it seems to be focused almost exclusively on African Americans. Hmmmmm. Me thinks not.
Perhaps a little critical thinking on your part, rather than slavish adherence to BLM shaded garbage would be a good place to start.
Yeah...uh....none of this has anything to do with Simmons statements. And for the record, I'd lump BLM into the 'going too far' side of things. This is farcical 'whataboutism' that ignores the points that are being made so you can have a tantrum over the attack on "White people."
Isn't there an anti-vaxx or trucker rally you should be at? lollll