You know what I find funny? The fact that so many people use examples like this...when you can also use examples like Rob schremp, nail yakupov and a billion other prospects who were drafted high and then just didn't look like NHL players when they stepped on the ice.
I get what you guys are talking about.. I really do. But just because there are examples of something happening doesn't invalidate people's current evaluation of what a player has shown.
People love talking about lias' age...I mean can't we point out the opposite to you guys and say that at the age of 18 Jeff Skinner who was also a 7th is had 30 goals?
Of course not because it's ridiculous. We're all aware of his age and of what he has and hasn't done and what other players have done.
None of that invalidates what people see in his game. Some people see a guy with upside and motor and all sorts of good stuff. Some people see a guy who just doesn't look very good out there. It's just so... Lame.. to constantly throw his age out there. Chytil was younger than lias' and has looked much better than him. He's played on the 4th line.. he's been a healthy scratch, and he's still looked better. He hasn't looked like a superstar... But he's look better. I think looking better is all anyone is looking for in lias', just to look better than he currently has.