Grate n Colorful Oz
Pure Laine Hutson
I get what you're saying in regards to the super hero moments. At times, she looked like you can drop her into any Marvel or DC movie and she could mow baddies down with an ax tied to a string.
Even these super hero moments weren't balanced... at one point, which I won't spoil when, her brother was an absolute badass, but then he like kinda weirdly gave up.
I did suspend belief though understanding this was ultimately a survival movie, but yeah, hop scotching off trees like a pinball to chase animals was dumb. I thought the bear sequence was great though.
I will agree with you that the Brody one was good. Maybe I liked it because it came out after the AVP movies, which sorry, I thought BOTH were trash, though AVP1 is a masterpiece compared to AVP2.
One thing I will say about the Predator in Prey, which I told my family after finishing this one...he seemed kinda dumb to me. He made a lot of rather poor tactical decisions that eventually got his ass killed. Maybe against the other Comanche warriors, the director wanted to show how tough they were so they got some licks in, but he almost got taken down by a bunch of drunk trappers.
I think it was dumb and weak because it belonged to the upper caste, making it overconfident and not used to overcoming worst odds. I'm 100% sure he's from the same lineage as the ones we saw hunting a regular (like Arnie's P1) predator in the 2018 movie and the hybrid. They're the elite caste of Predators. That's also in the DH comics.