Speculation: Leafs potentially looking to add a player with term at the deadline


Registered User
Jul 21, 2016
You say Dermott has regressed but by any metric you look at he's better than last year. Game score, GAR, Evolving Wild's RAPM. I don't know what you're looking at but Dermott has been the best dman in the NHL at driving possession and he's certainly not available. He's going to be a top pairing guy within 2 years, and he's certainly more valuable then Chris Tierney lol

I think he regressed from his start last year, yes. Not knocking on the player at all. Again, I’m not saying he’s available but I was only trying to find a package similar in value to what SJ sent for Ottawa and these were the closest in terms of value I could find.

He may or may not become a top pairing guy (you seem so sure of it) but I’d argue that right now Tierny has more value than Dermott


Registered User
Jul 21, 2016
He lost credibility for me with that ranking. Kappy is already a better and faster player now in his first full year as a 22 year old then teirney. Nobody except him would value him higher then kappy at 22. Even the the most biased leaf haters know that’s just simply not true. The rest could be argued either way but kap is by far more valuable then any piece Ottawa got for EK. Not to mention that EK is considered by many the best D man on the planet and SJ plans to resign him. Pietrangelo is not the best dm. And leafs simply can not keep him beyond next season even if they do get him so they couldn’t give up a package like that for 1.5 year rental. No GM would. Well..... no GM should rather

You may or may not like my opinion but it doesn’t mean you’re right and I’m wrong. You’re talking like Kapanen isn’t playing with Matthews while Tierny is playing with Crosby. Tierny is driving his line offense, plays with lesser line mates and plays a more important position. Don’t forget that he’s on pace for 50 points this year in a very difficult losing situation in Ottawa. Kapanen is having a great season, but so is Tierny.

EK may be the better player, but Pietrangelo has two more playoff run while Karlsson had one left when he was traded.

Also, there’s the whole situation in Ottawa where it was clear Karlsson wouldn’t sign an extention until the season was over (and no chance he ever signed with Ottawa) so that affected his value.

Imo, right now, the value that Karlsson was traded for is sinilar to what AP is worth for two playoff run and a possible extension


Makes The Pass
Oct 29, 2010
You may or may not like my opinion but it doesn’t mean you’re right and I’m wrong. You’re talking like Kapanen isn’t playing with Matthews while Tierny is playing with Crosby. Tierny is driving his line offense, plays with lesser line mates and plays a more important position. Don’t forget that he’s on pace for 50 points this year in a very difficult losing situation in Ottawa. Kapanen is having a great season, but so is Tierny.

EK may be the better player, but Pietrangelo has two more playoff run while Karlsson had one left when he was traded.

Also, there’s the whole situation in Ottawa where it was clear Karlsson wouldn’t sign an extention until the season was over (and no chance he ever signed with Ottawa) so that affected his value.

Imo, right now, the value that Karlsson was traded for is sinilar to what AP is worth for two playoff run and a possible extension

Before you argue about how good a player is, I would recommend your learn how to spell his name first. Helps a little with credibility.


Registered User
Dec 5, 2018
You may or may not like my opinion but it doesn’t mean you’re right and I’m wrong. You’re talking like Kapanen isn’t playing with Matthews while Tierny is playing with Crosby. Tierny is driving his line offense, plays with lesser line mates and plays a more important position. Don’t forget that he’s on pace for 50 points this year in a very difficult losing situation in Ottawa. Kapanen is having a great season, but so is Tierny.

EK may be the better player, but Pietrangelo has two more playoff run while Karlsson had one left when he was traded.

Also, there’s the whole situation in Ottawa where it was clear Karlsson wouldn’t sign an extention until the season was over (and no chance he ever signed with Ottawa) so that affected his value.

Imo, right now, the value that Karlsson was traded for is sinilar to what AP is worth for two playoff run and a possible extension

Not at all implying Tierney isn’t a solid player and good on him for making the most of the opportunity. Realistically though he’s a 3rd line center on a solid team. Kappy trending towards a top line winger with great speed and plays 200ft. My argument (and I’m sure I’m not alone) is that in the trade world kappy holds more value

I wouldn’t doubt Petro fetches a belfry return but from a Toronto perspective
1st and a 2nd is a lot for a player they can only have for 1.5 years. Not saying they won’t fetch a similar return from a team that could resign him. Toronto simply can’t. I’d offer more then that if they could

jvcjdudu jcycyxjene

Registered User
Nov 11, 2014
lol cmon thats horrible. Zaitsev for Mackinnon?

Nylander isn't being dealt.
Nylander is a 60 point player. Barrie had only 4 less points than Nylander in 14 less games last season. He's been a top 5 scoring defenseman over the past 5 seasons. Maybe you just don't know much about Barrie? Otherwise idk why youd assume the value is so off.


Don Quixote
Jan 5, 2010
Nylander is a 60 point player. Barrie had only 4 less points than Nylander in 14 less games last season. He's been a top 5 scoring defenseman over the past 5 seasons. Maybe you just don't know much about Barrie? Otherwise idk why youd assume the value is so off.
Barrie is a terrible defender and that makes him undesirable to the Leafs. They’ve got plenty of offense.

They need a balanced RHD that can play with Rielly and shoulder some of the load playing against top players. For that, they’d be more interested in EJ than Barrie from Colorado.


Registered User
Jul 20, 2010
Petry for Kapanen, #1 pick and Sandin?

Petry is having a solid year, but 5.5 m is still gonna be hard for the Leafs to fit in unless they are dumping Marleau ot Zaitsev.

I'd do a 1st + Brown + a lesser D prospect if there was some retention.


Registered User
May 29, 2006
Sarnia, On
I wonder if we'll see a Jake Gardiner + 1st package sometime soon for RHD help. Basically trading Gardiner to a team and saying "here's an asset that can fetch you another 1st at the deadline".

It's viable but it depends on Dermott I think. Is he ready to step up and own the 2nd pair because dropping Hainsey to Gardiners spot probably means your gains on the top pair are balanced by your drop on the 2nd.

Considering this year we have a ton of cap and should be making a Cup run I think we try and keep our roster players this year. You get a Petro you trade Gardiners rights to someone in the off season and pencil Dermott in. This year might be too soon for that.


Registered User
Mar 14, 2008
- The Horton uninsured contract and using LTIR before the season starts. Yes, I have looked into it. There are reasons why the Blackhawks unloaded the Hossa contract.

- The 1st's you are talking about are late first.

- Yes, I want 3 solid futures pieces for Petry and his 3 years in term left. Remember, that package was not asking for any proven pieces. Petry is top 10 in NHL defenseman scoring didn't you notice.

- Everybody wants Sandin cause he's the only piece that fits the Habs needs. If you had a better prospect pool, Maybe I ask for a better talent? ;)
No clue... oblivious... multiple adjectives I can use, but those two cover it best.


Registered User
Oct 2, 2017
He lost credibility for me with that ranking. Kappy is already a better and faster player now in his first full year as a 22 year old then teirney. Nobody except him would value him higher then kappy at 22. Even the the most biased leaf haters know that’s just simply not true. The rest could be argued either way but kap is by far more valuable then any piece Ottawa got for EK. Not to mention that EK is considered by many the best D man on the planet and SJ plans to resign him. Pietrangelo is not the best dm. And leafs simply can not keep him beyond next season even if they do get him so they couldn’t give up a package like that for 1.5 year rental. No GM would. Well..... no GM should rather

Fully agree

And yes, this is a move we should not make, not for a rental. We will have many years to contend.
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Registered User
Mar 14, 2008
I'm also trading a top 10 NHL defenseman in the current pts of production for pieces that are not proven. I don't care if you disagree about the price to acquire. If you don't like it, it's all good. Go try to steal some other teams top 4D who is playing very well and is a RD. It's very likely Bergevin ask for more than what I am asking for. He did end up getting more than what I ask for with Patch so go figure. ;)

Good luck with trying to improve your D using a bag of pucks. Your not getting Petry as a pending UFA price. Nice try

Petry for 3 unproven futures is not a bad offer. Were not talking about top 10 picks here man. Plus it unloads the Horton contract. And yes, it's more complicated than you understand or are willing to admit. You need reminders.

Leafs prospect pool is full of grade B hopefuls. Yeah, good luck with that.
Yet their team is full of superstars. You’d have to go 5 or 6 deep on the Leafs before I trade anyone on the roster one for one for anyone on the habs... oh and they are all 23 and under. Their prospects have graduated and are playing on the team... hows that Hab prospect pool by the way?
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Registered User
Dec 23, 2011
I’m not sure where you’re getting this? They got Chris Tierny, a 23 years old C who had a 40 points season prior to the trade as well as a 20 points #5 RHD. Isn’t that a good, young roster player as well as a good young depth player ? They also got a first, second round pick as well as their latest 1st round pick.

All in all, they got:

- A 23 years old 40 points C
- A 25 years old 20 points # 5 RHD
- A 1st round pick
- A 2nd round pick
- 2017 #19 overall (Solid C prospect)

If you want to put together a similar package to what Karlsson got for Pietrangelo without giving up Nylander (and that is if St-Louis settles on a package rather than a hockey trade), you’re looking at:

- Kasperi Kapanen
- Travis Dermott
- 2019 1st
- 2019 2nd
- Rasmus Sandin

Are you ready to offer that kind of package for Pietrangelo?

P.S : I valued Tierny > Kapanen | SJ 1st, 2nd, Demalo < Toronto 1st, 2nd, Dermott and Sandin = Jooris in term of value.

These players are on the Ottawa Senators. Ottawa shut the door on teams in Division obtaining real value they could have gotten fit Karlsson. The 1st 2nd rounders are late picks. Not going to over value them as such.
-Tierney is ok. Really a 3rd liner and solid 4th liner on Ottawa. Anywhere else he is 4th line, press box. Will he be 40 point player in future. Doubtful.
-Demelo. Not a very good defensman. Good offense though. He was a healthy scratch with SJ and not really in their plans.
-Can’t remember other player off top of my head, so enough said on that.

Leafs could swing a deal without giving up the world for AP. All depends if St. L is game fir it.


Objective and Neutral Hockey Commentator
May 25, 2014
According to Botchford, leafs offered Matt Martin for Tanev, that should tell you his true value.

I'd trade you guys that Carcone kid and a conditional 3rd for him. Condition is if he misses a playoff game due to injury it becomes a 5th.
Trigerred! :yo:


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