I was looking forward to Kravtsov taking a nice step forward this season. Was really rooting for the kid. But he simply did not grab the opportunity that was there for him. He just didn't. And that's not catastrophic. Go down to the A for ten games, get yourself in a groove and you'll be back... But no. You can disagree with the team's assessment, but this was not out of left field, nor was it apocalyptic. Until Kravtsov made it so. And it's a third strike. It's a pattern, not a fluke. He has a shit attitude and that is holding him back. I hope he can get his shit together and have a nice career, but he didn't earn his place here. He is a top six type of player, he did not force the staff to put him there. He just didn't. Even if you feel he edged out another top six player, I don't but I get that others can feel he did, do you reward the shit attitude or the hard work? Hard work. EVERY time. It's a TEAM dynamic. If you have a shitty attitude you'd BETTER be head and shoulders above your compensation for a spot. He clearly was not, in fact over all I felt HE was edged out even for a third line spot.
And guys, please stop comparing him to Laf or Kakko, especially by dumping on them. That's absurd. There's no GM in the league that would trade either one of them for Kavtsov, probably not even one for two Kravtsovs. That is just destroying any credibility in any otherwise valid point you are trying to make. On the other hand I hope you are right: "he's a better prospect and has outperformed Laf and Kakko." Because then you surely expect we will get a Laf or Kakko level prospect for him right? Yeah, RIGHT.