Player Discussion Josh Norris (C) 6’-1” - Part 3


Registered User
Feb 9, 2005
Ottawa, ON
Did anyone hear Dean Brown on pregame show yesterday?
DB is incredibly annoying but does get the luxury to travel with the team and knows things most people don't. He was petty adamant that Norris shoulder is 100% medically cleared and it's basically a mental hurdle that's stopping him from going on the ice. He went on for about 5 minutes, it wasn't just an offhand comment.

Like he really leaned into it the way DB does, if true, just gotta feel awful for JN. I can only imagine the anxiety of maybe getting another shoulder injury, doing this again and possibly just losing your career. Hope he's able to work through it
I would agree with all of this. Dean has been around for a long time, and would definitely pick up tidbits from the coaches and management. Specifically, he would pick up stuff that they wouldn't mind seeing out in the public domain but can't say themselves. If Dean is saying this then I believe it - no chance that he would just be guessing on something like this.

I also know what it is like coming back from surgery and feeling scared that you might have hurt it again. After I tore my ACL I had a "tweak" at about the six month mark and yeah, I was scared @#$#less that I had done it again. I hadn't, of course, but major injuries and surgeries like that can get in your head really easily.

Let's see if Norris shows up in the lineup tomorrow night - that will be a huge test. If he pulls the chute for that game then we have a huge problem on our hands...


Registered User
Sep 3, 2008
Did anyone hear Dean Brown on pregame show yesterday?
DB is incredibly annoying but does get the luxury to travel with the team and knows things most people don't. He was petty adamant that Norris shoulder is 100% medically cleared and it's basically a mental hurdle that's stopping him from going on the ice. He went on for about 5 minutes, it wasn't just an offhand comment.

Like he really leaned into it the way DB does, if true, just gotta feel awful for JN. I can only imagine the anxiety of maybe getting another shoulder injury, doing this again and possibly just losing your career. Hope he's able to work through it
I mean playing pre-season games is probably the best way to get over the mental hurdle


Registered User
Oct 15, 2018
Go read the original discussion. You're moving goal posts and suggesting something that didn't happen. You're ignoring the actual argument and have fabricated a false scenario in someone else's favor for some strange reason.

No clue why you are digging in here but you've now joined swiften in also being incorrect but dishonest in your conversation. No one needs a rain metaphor to change the scope of the discussion.

He never should have played, more rehab time would have helped. He's still hurt the team did not handle the situation 'perfectly'. If anyone actually thinks this was handled perfectly then fine believe it. But it's an absurd take given the actual results.
Not trying to take sides but I’m not sure what the club could have done.

Do Make Say Think

& Yet & Yet
Jun 26, 2007
If Norris is struggling with confidence and that is the hold up, that would explain a lot.

Hopefully Norris manages to overcome this hurdle. It is tough. He got seriously hurt and missed a lot of time off of a nothing play, I can understand why he might be hesitating and not going 100%.

Do Make Say Think

& Yet & Yet
Jun 26, 2007
Dudes making 8 million bucks a year. He better get mentally ready in a hurry.
How much he makes has absolutely no effect on how much confidence Norris has in his shoulder.

In fact, big contracts can sometimes make players lack confidence because they know they are getting a paid ton and it is a lot of pressure.

Players are human.
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Dec 27, 2013
Ya I’m having a hard time feeling sorry for him
Don't think it's as much about sympathy as it is understanding there can be hurdles to overcome to become fully physically & mentally re-engaged following recovery, especially after his last two attempts still in his mind. It'll take time.


Registered User
Aug 15, 2007
I wouldn't sweep aside the mental aspect of this at all. He's had his shoulder surgically repaired and worked hard to come back, but imagine your thoughts all the time? Does it feel right? Is that stiffness? And then it becomes like a hypochondria scenario.


High Jacques
Apr 8, 2005
f*** my life. Now they are implying it on Norris’ mental health. Why put this type of undue pressure on a long-term asset? Is their some sort of self-serving/preserving tone as everyone knows how vital a winning start is for this team (and their jobs)?

I won’t rush Norris, this has to be done right this time.

Ferraro & Dreger kind of concur with what I felt when DJ initially dropped this gem about Norris being healthy physically but not mentally. Stop playing mind games DJ, Norris knows his condition better and we need him at 100%. Don't coerce/force Norris into making a decision if he feels not ready.


Agent Zuuuub

Registered User
Jan 2, 2015
not that im holding anything against Norris as he is a human too and just part of a system. but it is so funny when you zoom out.

poor people at the very bottom can't afford to take a day off because of mental health issues which are in part fueled by rising housing costs and inflation.

but someone can get paid 8 mill to play a kids game, and take mental health days and everyone will understand and empathize.
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Registered User
Sep 3, 2008
It is smart for him to be cautious. It is also smart for the Sens management. We are invested to 8 years of this kids life.
like MJ said any shoulder injury should be healed within 6 months. Norris is either injured or not. Maybe there is discomfort but I don't think they would be rushing him back at this point
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Registered User
Sep 3, 2008
I wouldn't sweep aside the mental aspect of this at all. He's had his shoulder surgically repaired and worked hard to come back, but imagine your thoughts all the time? Does it feel right? Is that stiffness? And then it becomes like a hypochondria scenario.
Pre season is the perfect time to get over this fear

Waiting to get thrown into a regular season team seems like the worst way to go
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Registered User
Aug 15, 2007
Pre season is the perfect time to get over this fear

Waiting to get thrown into a regular season team seems like the worst way to go
Time and reps is the way to get over this fear. Getting put into a game when you're not comfortable seems like a bad idea.

Neil Patrick Harris

Now sponsored by Zoom™
Aug 23, 2008
Bruh, I cough once randomly and I get worried that I'm actually super sick. Can't imagine what it's like having someone poke around in your shoulder.


Registered User
Jan 22, 2013
Bruh, I cough once randomly and I get worried that I'm actually super sick. Can't imagine what it's like having someone poke around in your shoulder.
I had a hernia surgery last year - low risk and high success rate, relatively speaking, as far as surgeries go - and for months I kept thinking the incision would just open at any moment, despite the fact that there's literally no f***ing reason why that would happen. Your mind f***s with you when it comes to that kind of shit.


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