I feel the need to re-iterate that it was Deadhead (and not the rest of this board you seem to imply) who, when asked to provide a specific example of something he would criticize Torts for, gave the reply of "alienating Coots". I'm just trying to understand why he only cares about the head coach alienating Coots specifically, and doesn't seem to care that Torts does it to other players.
Because Couts (and Cates) do things the right way and don't need a kick in the ass.
Torts pushed Frost, and Frost owes him a lot of money when he gets his new contract in a year or two. B/c Frost had a tendency of going MIA, losing focus and Torts by riding him made him aware that he's got to bring it every shift and has made him a better player.
Torts pushed Tippett, and demanded more and more, and Tippett stepped up.
Torts pushed TK, gave him more responsibility, and he took his game up another level.
Torts pushed York, and got him to play more aggressively instead of just passively doing his job, demanding that he push play and become the "man."
Torts pushed Risto, and Shaw actually instilled fundamentals in him.
Torts pushed Sanheim, and it was like pushing on a wet noodle.
Some people here think coaching is draw up some Xs and Os, and "go score some goals"
"Defense, we don't need no stinkin' defense."