Yeah, my track record on the site is ‘making things up’.
If you had bothered following along instead of just blindly lashing out at anyone with a negative word to say, you would realize that I have been mostly supportive of JP in my posting - right up until the time he took his silly ‘trade me’ demands public. I had however noted on multiple occasions - long before anyone heard that the player wanted out of Edmonton - his odd, and seemingly unprofessional reactions to his own errors on the ice. I agree with
@Delicious Pancakes above who says that it’s probably just the way JP is wired and doesn’t mean that he isn’t taking things seriously. But that almost doesn’t matter because grinning like an idiot when you’ve just ****ed up again leaves open the possibility for coaches, team mates and fans to conclude that you are taking the piss.
It happened. I saw it. Thousands of others saw it. And you can bet his team mates and coaches saw it. And nobody is laughing.
Yup. Doesn’t fly in the NHL.