Dubas's plan was to have a platoon style combo in net this season and going forward, injuries have derailed it slightly.
Okay, mini-rant here not meant to derail the thread, but
please, people stop saying "going forward" (or its just as bad cousin "moving forward"), it literally adds nothing to the point you are trying to make.
The second time you use it (quoted above) is completely redundant to your point. Try instead: "I have no doubts when Mrazek is healthy that he and Soup (will) split the load."
The first instance you make it worse by using it wrong. "Dubas's plan was to have a platoon style combo in net this season and going forward, injuries have derailed it slightly." Try instead, "Dubas's plan was to have a platoon style combo in net this season (but) injuries have derailed it slightly."
Yeah, I know, but it's been a pet peeve of mine since someone in the business world a few decades ago came up with the idea that adding "forward" to a sentence implied action and/or positivity. (Newscasters and sports broadcasters somehow picked up on this are the worst culprits. I think Dreger, for instance, can't go two sentences without saying it. Don't be Dreger.)