So if they win a round next year, lose in the 2nd round - the core is okay and can win as evidenced by winning a round? You'll eat that crow and say you were wrong and the core 4 wasn't flawed?
I'm trying to understand, because while its not an excuse, one bounce has them in the second round (maybe conference finals if you're as down on WPG as I am). They didn't get there, they need to make changes - but the idea they're light years away or this team somehow cannot get that bounce that gets them there as long as they keep Matthews, Marner, JT, and Willy - makes absolutely no sense to me. If you want to trade Marner for an appropriate return, sure - fine, I just don't think they can ever win that trade - and I wouldn't make it cause the core is "flawed" as players/men.4
On the sample size issue - that's not how math and probability work. Abscence of another larger sample size to evaluate them on does not mean you should evaluate them on a smaller sample size that does exist. "3 years of playoff suckage" = 19 games. It shows issues, sure, things you'd want to adjust - areas you'd want your players to improve in - but chalking it up to "absolutely cannot get it done, 19 games proves that" just because we haven't seen the next 50 games is silly.
Winning one round next year doesn't make the core okay. This year where I set the bar was to win two rounds and then play to the best of their abilities win or lose after that. And this year was a golden opportunity, next year the path to the 3rd round will be much, much tougher. And the issue isn't so much the core, it's how much of the cap they take up making the team too top heavy.
It's not about winning trades, it's about building the best team you can build. Let's be honest here, this team has been less then the sum of it's parts for some time now. Trade Marner and you will get a ton back, zero reason you can't at least break even on the trade and end up with a much better team. I keep hearing you can't win a Marner trade, I call BS, there is zero reason we can't win a Marner trade.
I'm not saying that "absolutely cannot get it done". I am saying that at this point it is highly unlikely that they can get it done. I don't see how we win a cup with 4 forwards taking up this much of the cap, especially when one of them is Marner who has been a disappointment and frankly, his attitude doesn't exactly inspire confidence that he will ever change. Miracles happen and anything's possible but I'd like our chances for future success much better if we were to change course sooner (like now) as opposed to later.
You've probably heard the saying that winning breeds winning, well losing also breeds losing and we're the leading breeder of playoff losers at this point and with the path next season being harder, we're not likely to go deep next year either. Maybe, and that's a HUGE freaking maybe we'll get past one round but then we'll likely get crushed like little cockroaches by TB and then what? Maybe some people will be happy saying oh wow, we won a round, we're headed in the right direction but I won't be one of them.
You can say we were just one bounce away, Ok that's one way of looking at it. Here's another, when it all comes down to one game, we don't even show up to play. When it's the deciding game, we're nowhere near close to winning, it's like we're not even competing. We weren't one bounce away from beating Boston, once we got crushed in the 3rd period of game 7 and once we got crushed in game 7 from start to finish. The deciding game against CLB was another where we didn't even show up and same goes for our pathetic performance against MTL. This team seems to looks for any sign of adversity so they can fold their tent and go home. This team isn't one bounce away from winning anything, unless you consider beating a team who we were huge favourites against some sort of victory - I don't.
There's something very wrong with this team the way it is and it's time for a change. And I don't mean shuffling around bottom 6 wingers, I mean moving a core piece and Marner is the obvious candidate.