I think that's more about deflecting criticism to him. I think he has area's he could improve, but he seems to be very much a players GM. Maybe that will be ground out of him over time, but he seems to stand up for them and support them. We just need that to translate into the players doing more for him.
Marner needs to prove he can be the player, he's paid to be. Matthews is paid fair value, Tavares is paid market value, Nylander is on a decent deal. I'd love if they all took less, but when they took those contracts and structured the cap around them, no one planned for a pandemic creating a flat cap. It makes judging contracts hard, sometimes I feel like the Leafs are just cursed, because had those three been signed two years earlier, we'd be laughing about it, two years later and the flat cap is a factor, but no we signed them at the time right before the world goes to shiat.