So I just sent the Devils a very angry email, for I was a partial plan holder (Holiday Plan) and didn't receive any notification AT ALL. I emailed my rep. on Friday to find out when we would find out, only to be advised that she had left the Devils and that I had a new rep. So I emailed the new rep and he never responded. So I called them today, after seeing The Bratt Pack tweeting that presales had already begun, and they said, "Oh, it shows that we sent you the email." They. Did. Not. Went back, checked my junk, deleted and inboxes: NOTHING. So now they sent me an email saying I can start buying tickets at 3 PM today. I'm. Phucking. Pissed.
Question to Partial Plan Holders: Were you able to buy strips or just on a per game basis, which is what is being offered to me now?