You somehow got the quotes all messed up in your post so I'll just respond here.
You said that our stars "are choking dogs" (present tense). That was a ridiculous statement which I called you on, now you're finally responding weeks later and you've changed it to "they choked" which is vastly different from what you said before.
You say:
I'm not sure why this upsets you - you're the one that wants to trade them for this very reason.
So few words, so many lies. Firstly, I don't want to "trade them". I would like trade Marner and Marner only. And the reason has nothing to do with "choking", I've explained my reasoning for why trading Marner is an option we should explore several times already. Since you just ignore what I say and make up your own stories, I don't see the point in going over all of it at this point but at least get this much through your head -
I don't want to "trade them". As far as being upset goes, you're the one who seems upset and I've already told you that calling our players "choking dogs" shows a lack of class on your part. And I don't it's accurate to label any player "a choker" which is why I called you out in the first place. And it's also wrong to label them as a group. Each player is different and my problem with Marner is that he has had several poor playoffs in a row, that can't be said about the others. If you can't differentiate between "our stars" then perhaps you're letting your emotions get in the way of common sense.
This is the saddest part of criticism toward our team. The fixed mindset that choking is some characteristic and attribute that we can attach to our players. Something that is on / 0ff value in life like in EA Sports NHL series and if it's 0n, then you'll choker. Only way to get rid of that stigma is to trade away that rotten player and let other franchise suffer of choker. No advanced stats or metrics cannot change that, because it's just that if you launch puck in the stands in random event or hit post instead of net, then you're doomed to repeating that. In life it isn't that black and white.
I agree. If people want to say that our players choked, I can't argue with that. Dominated in series deciding games 4 years in a row, it's understandable that people would use that term. To say that they "are choking dogs" the way Zeke did (and the way some others are saying), well I just can't agree with that.
People do learn from their mistakes. It's path of growth and for some players it takes year and for some players years. Our young players have always been under looking glass, even way that player like Crosby never was or McDavid or Yzerman. They came to a team that was playoff contender from first year on. It's harsh environment to make mistakes, that you have to do - to evolve. I'd say Nylander and Matthews have evolved a lot.
I hope some of our fans here don't pass their disbeliefs to their children.
I'd agree with that, I just wish we could say the same for Marner. That's the biggest question for me with this team - will Marner evolve into the player we need him to be and the player we're paying him to be? Maybe he will and maybe he won't, there's no guarantee either way. I'm no hockey historian but I suspect if we made a list of players who excelled during the regular season and then fell flat on their face in the playoffs three years in a row, it would be a short list. A big chunk of our cap goes to Marner, if he doesn't figure it out then we're screwed.
Has Dubas failed? Yes and no, but it's water under bridge now. It's about learning from the past and moving forward. I think past events in any case affect this franchise way too much. Team has it's own burden from past few years and I hope those don't affect our season. Dwelling in the past failures and mistakes usually lead to that fixed mindset. Accept the result, learn from it and move on. You can't change it, only thing you can affect is the future.
Agreed. Posing this question in a yes/no form makes no sense. Like anyone, he's made some good moves and he's made some bad moves. The biggest mistakes he's made IMHO are the Marner contract, trading away futures at the last TDL and stubbornly sticking with this core this summer when trading Marner seems like such a logical move. Not even considering this option makes me wonder if he's not too attached to his players and if he is, that's a HUGE problem. I like most of the trades he's made, even the Kadri trade was fine I think though a ton of people think it was dumb. The big problem is that in the end, the playoffs have been a big disappointment and eventually, the buck stops with the guy that assembled the team. If we break through next playoffs and go to the final, all his mistakes will be forgiven and perhaps won't even be considered mistakes any more. One more gross failure though and he's quite possibly looking for a new job.
Man, I've only been on these forums about 4.5 years but I have never seen so much bickering. Every single thread is nothing but arguments. Not a good read, that's for sure.
I think this indicates I'm not the only one still not feeling it for this coming season because there isn't a single positive thread. The line proposal thread is the closest thing we had to a traditional fun discussion about the coming season yet even that instantly devolved into negativity.
The last few years have drilled home the point that the regular season doesn't matter much so hard to get too excited TBH. And the bickering has been here for as long as I remember, the worst have been threads pitting our own players against each other like Kadri vs Bozak, Reimer vs Bernier etc. I have always supported all our players and I expect I always will. I'm more disappointed in Marner then I have been in any of our players maybe ever, but when the playoffs start I'll be pulling for him hard. And I don't care if he puts up 150 points next season, I will judge him and everyone else on the team by how they do in the playoffs.