No, it was — as always is the case with Gorton — his last contract that was the disaster. Took him to a year from free agency.
I think Hayes want to stay here. What is the downside with a 1 year deal as opposed to 5.5m long term? If he really hit it off, develop insane chemistry with someone under Quinn, worst case we have to pay him 6.5m per next season. Right? Can’t be 7?
It’s not a big commitment.
Can’t we opt for a 2 year arbitration commitment? That would seem like better right?
His last contract should have been a 6 year deal instead of 2 years. Four more years would be left now. 3.75m per? Gorton is just so incompetent with these things...
Hayes is one year away from group III so the arbitration award can only be for one year.
The Rangers didn't want to give Hayes 6 years two years and they don't want to give Hayes 6 years now.