Well you can't get Barry Trotz at the moment from Islanders, even if you want to. You can't get any accomplished coach from the league that haven't recently failured, even if you want. I don't see John Tortorella as an option to this team. You can go with up and comer, just like Sheldon Keefe. That has some sort of track record from university or from the AHL. Would you like to start some sort of revolving door project with trial by fire? One failure -> out. I wouldn't give up on Sheldon Keefe. Seems like he has tools to learn from his mistakes and knows this organization in and out. We don't have better option at the moment.
Paul Maurice was outcoached by Ducharme in four games. It doesn't mean that we didn't fail. We did big time, but that doesn't mean that we should overreact or burn this team down.
We should evaluate, learn from the mistakes and build this up stronger. If we trade Mitch Marner, or fire Sheldon Keefe, we should do it as calculated decision without feelings toward it. As hockey decision. Now people are raging and wanting revenge. You are concerned that Auston Matthews leaves as UFA. Act like an ass towards our players and organization, maybe he will.
I'm not quitting on this team or organization, but I'm starting to quit on it's fans. This "conversation" here is going rounds around canning Shanny/Dubas/Keefe and that we don't have physicality. Yeah, we failed in the playoffs, but we don't have quick fixes and if we want to progress in anyway we need time. You can't just buy tkachuks and physicality when you want to. You can't trade for cliffords of this league if another team isn't selling.
Worst thing to happen to us, is some business mind getting an idea, that we can our hockey people and run this as business operation. PPP and Richard Peddie way. Shanahan has done so many good things to this organization, that I rather trust him than our brain trust handing the keys to some wild card at the moment.
I may change my opinion after next year, but sad truth is that there is no quick fix hockey people out there that can help us right now. Even you groom them by yourself or you wait for that Trotz to come available. We had our moment with Babcock, treated him as messiah and he became an ass.