VingeaultWho are realistic coaching candidates for this team?
Then there's the potential for guys to get fired,
Agreed its likely time this group needs another voice. From a management perspective too. New GM hires a new coach. However I am not going to ignore the good DJ has done with this group. They play hard for one another, they care about one another. Its a tight group and he deserves credit for that. They don't throw each other under the bus, it's a really strong culture he has built and is a good foundation moving forward. He also built the teams identity. Which is a heavy group, when they commit to the game plan they can be good. Hard forcheck getting pucks in deep and activating the d on the cycle. Strong special teams are a sign of coaching too.While I disagree with the whole “DJ isn’t an NHL coach” narrative, I think it’s time for a change. A new voice is something that is often needed. I imagine DJ will do well when he gets another chance in a few years.
Wait now, how many pundits gave us a playoff position in September? And then we lost Norris.Obviously losing Norris hurt, but there is no way this roster should be this bad or this inconsistent. Boys might be gassed... but so are most teams right now and they have structure, habits and a system to rely on. We do not.
It will be infuriating if we do not move on from DJ Smith this offseason.
and bert makes some valid points above. DJ Smith has done a lot of good here. This group just needs someone to come in and give them what DJ seemingly cannot.
Oh, ok, now that you've repeated it for the umpteenth, nope, still a meaningless platitude. Excuses are for when you don't do something you should have, they are a pretence, considered negative or irresponsible. This team was not a team expected to make the playoffs nor was that a set goal for the season, they don't need to be excused of anything, they've achieved their realistic expectations, and injuries are a fair a logical explanation of why we didn't exceed expectations
Sure thing, I'll stick with the meanings of the words in the English language and you do whatever it is your doing.
Ok, sure, the majority of the teams we have been fighting with and the ones that are our biggest threats are healthier. Washington being an exception, and one that quite nicely proves the impact injuries can and do have as a fair ad logical explanation for a team missing the playoffs
Not in pts percentage which is a far better measure, but whatever.
Here's the problem, you've acknowledged that injuries impact results but at the same time dismiss that they can be a reason for a team to miss the playoff, your entire position stems from these two incompatible positions.Excuses are a way to avoid or diminish responsibility.
That’s what distinguishes them for reasons.
Definition of EXCUSE
to make apology for; to try to remove blame from; to forgive entirely or disregard as of trivial import : regard as excusable… See the full
Definition of REASON
a statement offered in explanation or justification; a rational ground or motive; the thing that makes some fact intelligible : cause… See the full
Pretty basic stuff.
Saying they didn’t make the playoffs because of injuries is an excuse because the injuries are not the reason the Sens aren’t making the playoffs. It’s a facile oversimplification aimed at lessening responsibility on the coach, GM and players.
Well thanks for that. I can see how hard it was for you to admit you made a mistake.
Nobody said injuries weren’t a factor. Using them as an excuse is the problem.
Sure, not in points percentage. Just in actual standings.
We went from a team guaranteed to be bottom of the league to a team battling for the 8th spot. I don’t know how we can expect more from this year.We traded a top 10 pick, signed some major long term deals, and set meaningful games in march as a goal. That's kinda lame for me.
Its one thing to set pretty tame goals, its another to not address major goals in our roster and then not make any moves when we have a horrendous start to the season for 3rd time in a row. Dorion has very shite vision
DJ is a one line coach who has managed to have a decent PP and PK. Can't wait for him and Dorion to be fired.
This is DJs every interview.Gord Wilson to DJ: Safe to say the schedule played a factor in tonight's performance? Yeah
Gord Wilson to Tim: Safe to say the schedule played a factor in tonight's performance? No
Those actual quotes or are you just being humorous?Gord Wilson to DJ: Safe to say the schedule played a factor in tonight's performance? Yeah
Gord Wilson to Tim: Safe to say the schedule played a factor in tonight's performance? No
For all of you who think firing DJ and hiring a new coach will fix everything.... listen to the rational, insightful analysis of two former players who actually know what they're talking about.
For all of you who think firing DJ and hiring a new coach will fix everything.... listen to the rational, insightful analysis of two former players who actually know what they're talking about.
For all of you who think firing DJ and hiring a new coach will fix everything.... listen to the rational, insightful analysis of two former players who actually know what they're talking about.
For all of you who think firing DJ and hiring a new coach will fix everything.... listen to the rational, insightful analysis of two former players who actually know what they're talking about.
Here's the problem, you've acknowledged that injuries impact results but at the same time dismiss that they can be a reason for a team to miss the playoff, your entire position stems from these two incompatible positions.
Nobody is trying to deminish responsibility for the teams missing the playoffs, the team is what it is, a bubble team not expected to make the playoffs in the first place. You excuse someone for not meeting an expected behaviour, a student is late for class, he uses traffic as an excuse, but a student on time for class needs no excuse. We are meeting reasonable expectations for this season, and could have exceeded them with better health.
Being dismissive of the real impact injuries had doesn't make you look more rationale, it just means you're ignoring contributing factors in an analysis of the outcome and where the team currently stands. If that's how you roll, fine, but it doesn't give you a true representation of where the team is, or how well DJ did in coaching the pieces he had available when you ignore injuries. That's the goal afterall, assessing what went wrong and what needs to be done moving forward, whether DJ failed, met, or exceeded expectations.
We first heard of the sale in October. I will safely assume that quietly the process has been on since Eugene M's last few months with us. So, some bidders may have known and may have been working for 1 to 1.5 years.DJ's future here is most likely tied to the Sens sale.
They're now floating July dates. That means Dorion does the draft and draft trading. It also means he does the summer roster overhaul
Seems unlikely to me that if Dorion does the draft and a roster overhaul in the summer, they fire him before the season starts. And if Dorion is here, seems likely that DJ is here.
For all of you who think firing DJ and hiring a new coach will fix everything.... listen to the rational, insightful analysis of two former players who actually know what they're talking about.
I don’t think they are tuning out DJ. I do believe they need a new coach though. I realize this seems contradictory but it’s not that. Every good coach I’ve had has taught me something that has made me better, it’s generally an aggregation of different voices that makes for much better development. Look at how Tiger Woods and Roger Federer have changed coaches, it’s always best to have new eyes evaluating your game.It is stupid not to change the coach if the team misses again this year
Even if you like DJ there is no real reason to not try a new coach
If the whole team is playing like crap they probably are tuning out DJ