Havent seen any FEL games so I cant comment on how he's played since being home,but while over here he showed enough to make most of us believe he can indeed be a top6 NHLer.Dont know why you dislike him so much but you need to realise something.He is a 19yr old lightweight playing against men for starters.Then he's thrown to the wolves by being shifted to center and having to learn the position on the job.To complicate it more he has to do this as the #1c.Not given a chance to come in as the #2 or 3c.just you're the #1c go learn.Make no mistake,the vast majority of players thrown into that spot would struggle under those circumstances with good wingers,and by most accounts those wingers he has arent exactly world beaters.Besides its only the start of the season yet,wait til the end of the year and judge his performance then.If his play hasnt progressed by then you could be right and he'll never make it.However his body of work from last year and this year,in both domestic and international play,as well as various camps,seems to point one thing,you're wrong about him.
As for Barkov producing with Fleischmann and Boyes.LOL Fleischmann is better than any winger on TTs team and Boyes would make their top6.Any comparison between those 3 and TTs line is ridiculous.They are nothing alike.Fleischmann especially has been producing consistently for yrs now.In fact I'd suggest thats Barkovs production has been improved by him rather than the other way around.
One more thing,if TT is indeed "only" a 2nd liner at best,thats just fine with us Hawk fans.After all,we have Toews and Kane on the !st line and would be quite happy dropping TT to the 2nd between Sharp and Hossa.Might be a little bit better than who he's playing with now.