I am so happy they won...
But this wasn't a well played game by us or some magnificent goaltending performance.
The only difference between last night and the first two games was our PK was excellent. Had it not been, last night's game would've been exactly the same as the first two.
Had the Rangers converted on a couple of their PPs it's 3 to 1 and then we have to try to skate through their gauntlet and they pick up a couple of extra goals counterpunching. They laid their game plan perfectly again, this time they just didn't get the PP goals they did in the first two games to force us to play from behind and skate through 4 men stacked at the blue line and then collapse to their net.
The lack of scoring is still the issue for us. We can't win games regularly like we did last night.
We looked very good in OT, maybe the best flow and creativity of the entire playoffs was in last night's OT. But if we can't score a few more goals and give our Defense and goaltending some breathing room, it's a matter of time until the Rangers adjust their PP and execute their game plan just like the first two games.