For the record, I hope those of us from outside Phoenix can have a little empathy for the core Coyote fanbase who are looking at the real possibility of losing their hockey team. It would suck a lot and I'd like to think we can spare a kind thought for those folks.
This is bad all around, for the record. A major market has essentially rejected our sport. Yes, there are good fans there. Yes, they've had terrible owners and terrible teams and mismanaged politics, but at the end of the day, the city hasn't figured out a way to make it viable for a team to be in place, after more than a quarter century of actually being there. None of that is on the fans - the actual fans - but that's the stark reality.
So, I understand the reaction of those who are seeing this tragicomedy limp to a conclusion, but it would profoundly suck to have this happen to my team.