Registered User
- Aug 15, 2020
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This whole "Build back better" campaign sounds all nice and comfy...except the way we are heading is to let the big corps get even bigger and make the disparity between the rich and poor even worse.
I can't get my products to customers in the USA because the USPS decided to give Walmart the same sweet deal they gave to Amazon. So, they prioritize the big corps packages while small guys like me suffer from customers emailing and calling about the delay in their shipments.
People nowadays are totally confused about who the bad guys are. All a big corp has to do is put a black box on their website about BLM and make a pittance donation and they are off the hook. This makes me sick. Instead...how about having a jobs program in the inner cities or something that is tangible for people. This lip service they do gives them a pass to keep our jobs over seas and make bigger profits. And yet you have people marching in the streets saying Amazon and Nike are great companies because they care...do they really or is it just good PR?
The largest corporations anointed by governments to flourish while smaller commercial ventures are marginalized to non-existence? There was a moon-faced man from about 100 years ago who called this the third way.