Did their opponents also brutally injure their captain like that in game 1?
I mean I hope they keep it a close series. Even without Tavares this team can be a bubble team that wins on some nights.
Not even family allowed with C19.
Get well soon JT. I know Foligno is taking a lot of heat here, but if I was in that game I would have done the exact same thing as him.
It's not a popular opinion but I wouldn't watch my captain go out on a stretcher without some type of emotion overflow.
If nobody went after Perry the board would be screaming for a response. It's a no win situation.
This is false. My mom had a stroke last year and I was able to visit her in the hospital and in rehab during full lockdown.
Tavares is tough. I expect him to be playing again in this series.
I feel like clear in this situation is pretty ominous. Usually they would report "initial test are negative, but staying in hospital for further evaluation". Something along those lines. Makes me wonder if the family doesn't want the findings public yet. The report "tests are clear", can literally mean, it's clear he has a broken neck, bleeding in the brain, swelling.
Hope all is actually clear though.
Foligno handled it perfectly. There was no right answer on that one, you're 100% correct. I would have gone bonkers too.
Foligno did the right thing. Any teammate who ends up in a heap in game action in catastrophic condition is typically going to be the spark for a fight. The fact that needs to be explained to the Toronto fanbase is surprising.
This is embarrassing from both of these outlets. This tweet gives you a look at what they posted without giving the organizations an extra click. Just classless really:
This is embarrassing from both of these outlets. This tweet gives you a look at what they posted without giving the organizations an extra click. Just classless really:
No reason to try and diagnose through video or try and pull clues from the words used to give updates - way too many unknowns for that. Just hope for the best.Yeah. These were my thoughts as well. I found it too vague to just say it was clear. Clear of...a concussion...damage to his neck/spine...? Almost sounds like he is and will be okay. Which, of course, we all hope for. But that play last night was one of the worst I've seen, in terms of him slumping back after trying to get up. I honestly, seriously, genuinely, feared that things were in an extremely dangerous territory for JT at that moment.
This is embarrassing from both of these outlets. This tweet gives you a look at what they posted without giving the organizations an extra click. Just classless really:
You are 100% and it's disgusting they do no understand.Foligno did the right thing. Any teammate who ends up in a heap in game action in catastrophic condition is typically going to be the spark for a fight. The fact that needs to be explained to the Toronto fanbase is surprising.
It's kind of their business model at this point...It's disgusting, but from their perspective there's so such thing as bad publicity I guess.
This is embarrassing from both of these outlets. This tweet gives you a look at what they posted without giving the organizations an extra click. Just classless really: