I do not believe Perry intended to 'hurt' JT, but, i'm sorry, and i may be in the minority here, but, i believe Perry could have avoided contact, or at the very least, not hit JT in the head.
I've been on skates for over 50 years, and at top speed, and on an instant, i have always had full control of my body.
the only time there is 'unavoidable' contact is when someone turns into you, or you are looking elsewhere.
Tavares fell in front of Perry.
Perry was facing the direction of play (i.e. looking towards JT)
while JT was falling to the ice, there is a huge amount of space around him (watchj the video in slow motion and you will see how far away Perry actually was)
when JT was on his backside Perry was still 2-3 strides away and moving towards JT and at that point seeing JT falling in front of him could have changed his lane and veered to the right
as JT fell further back, Perry continued in the closest possible lane near JT, and at that point it became 'unavoidable' contact
I'm sure he never expected what happened, but, to say he couldnt avoid it is not the truth.
...the replays clearly show Perry looking right at JT's face, so, he knew exactly where he was, and going, and did he pivot, or try to turn, or try to stop, not at all, he tried to go over his head.