HF Strength Thread
OHP is something where people have very mixed views on it. I know Jim Wendler advocates using OHP as a main movement and said that him taking the OHP seriously really helped out his bench. I also know some guys barely OHP/when they do, do it as a lighter accessory movement. Andrey Malanichev who is widely considered to be one of the greatest lifters of all time, never overhead presses.Just for personal knowledge, how serious do powerlifters take overhead press? I know its not a part of the 3 main powerlifting movements but do you use it to increase posterior and anterior deltoid strength/size? Also, do you consider rag press (most people call this behind the neck overhead press) to be too dangerous? I've been doing it for over a year now without pain and it seriously hits the posterior deltoids/neck. I find regular overhead press to be inferior because there are so many exercises that hit the anterior deltoids.
I personally would never behind the neck press (and I've trained with some pretty high level lifters, and none of them do it either), but I know some can do it problem free. I've never tried them personally (well other than doing some Klokov presses/in a snatch grip) but to me for the average lifter, the risk isn't worth the reward. If you can do them and remain injury free then more power to you though. Do you train them heavy or do you use it as a higher rep thing?