Arizona Coyotes Lounge XXV

A fellow rancher, friend of mine used to flag for planes dropping 245T (agent orange) when he was a kid, no health issues, when last we spoke. It’s since been banned, but the cry of the rancher that wanted “cheap” brush control is that it was the extremely high levels of the stuff used in Nam, that created issues. The military needed defoliation in much shorter order than a rancher needs.

Not to mention that in Vietnam it wasn't only the foliage they were trying to kill.
Peasants like us are usually suffering from some grievous injury done to us by a nefarious plot by mysterious and dark powers we can’t even begin to comprehend. I mean, look just look at insurance companies. And the IRS.

Are they turning our frogs gay? Or magnetizing us with vaccines? Or spraying nightmare gasses on us from above. Probably not. Whatever they’re doing is probably much more horrific. :)
This is what I was talking about haha…lump all the inane theories together so they all sound nuts. The frogs are turning gay, or rather, changing sex completely! Here’s a study done by Berkeley.

It’s from a pesticide called atrazine. From the article: “ Some 80 million pounds of the herbicide atrazine are applied annually in the United States on corn and sorghum to control weeds and increase crop yield, but such widespread use also makes atrazine the most common pesticide contaminant of ground and surface water, according to various studies.”

“ More and more research, however, is showing that atrazine interferes with endocrine hormones, such as estrogen and testosterone in fish, amphibians, birds, reptiles, laboratory rodents and even human cell lines at levels of parts per billion. Recent studies also found a possible link between human birth defects and low birth weight and atrazine exposure in the womb.”

Hmmm, I dunno are Berkeley scientists credible enough? You never can be too sure ;)

^^^Whats the most commonly used crop that’s in more food items than you can count? Corn.
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Crop dusting provided me the opportunity to fly a helicopter and a Tiger Moth! In both cases we were just up “scouting,” but the Tiger Moth…. That dude had me thinking he wasn’t going to take over at the landing, which was precarious in that power lines were involved, he did take over at the last minute! When queried, he told me, “you’d have been fine.” Damn thing uses a tail hook for goodness sake! I wouldn’t have known what to do…. Even if we were lucky enough to get to that point!
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Crop dusting provided me the opportunity to fly a helicopter and a Tiger Moth! In both cases we were just up “scouting,” but the Tiger Moth…. That dude had me thinking he wasn’t going to take over at the landing, which was precarious in that power lines were involved, he did take over at the last minute! When queried, he told me, “you’d have been fine.” Damn thing uses a tail hook for goodness sake! I wouldn’t have known what to do…. Even if we were lucky enough to get to that point!

Wow, a DH82? That must have been fun as hell.
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To me it's not. The cloud seeding is not done with airplane exhaust. It's done by high-altitude spraying akin to low-level cropdusting in specific and selective locations. It's not widespread because they're still testing to see whether it's effective or not.

"Chemtrails" is the fully-debunked theory that regular exhaust from high-altitude airliners is a government-sponsored chemical tainting of the atmosphere, and the only evidence presented is contrails, which are in fact caused by water vapor particles freezing around the heat of an aircraft's engine exhaust at high altitudes.

The "chemtrails" conspiracy theory, moreover, implies nefarious government intent which doesn't exist. They're using their nefarious intent on other things, like hobnobbing with lobbyists and selling themselves to the highest bidder... :sarcasm:
So the bulk of the difference between cloud seeding and chemtrails is scale, in your opinion. In my opinion they are the same.

If it were done at scale, I wonder (no I don't) if the actors behind it would seek public consultation (they wouldn't) or even put it to a referendum (nope).
Wow, a DH82? That must have been fun as hell.
It sure was. He gave me a parachute prior to getting aboard, telling me “we’ll be flying too low for it to be of any use, but it makes ya feel better”! :laugh: We wore the old aviator cap with goggles, the whole nine yards.
Helicopter was a blast too, I just love those things. Wanted to get one to round up cattle in brushy pastures, but couldn’t seem to justify it financially LOL.
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So the bulk of the difference between cloud seeding and chemtrails is scale, in your opinion. In my opinion they are the same.
No, that's not my opinion. My opinion, backed by fact, is that "chemtrails" is a fallacious concept used to describe an extremely simple and natural chemical reaction between a superheated airplane engine and supercold and humid air at altitude, and one that happens on its own without intent or human intervention. On the other hand, cloud seeding is an action that is taken with specific intent.

You appear to be conflating the two, which is fine - you are entitled to believe whatever you like.

It sure was. He gave me a parachute prior to getting aboard, telling me “we’ll be flying too low for it to be of any use, but it makes ya feel better”! :laugh:
Helicopter was a blast too, I just love those things. Wanted to get one to round up cattle in brushy pastures, but couldn’t seem to justify it financially LOL.

Yeah, it's hard to justify a parachute when you're flying at 20 feet off the deck, unless the seat is too old and you need something to pad your ass... :D

I've been lucky enough to fly a couple of helicopter simulators but I don't think I'd ever want to own and fly an actual whirlybird. I was cured of that back in 1993 when Davey Allison killed himself in one.

The services in my hometown used a lot of Stearman's but then switched to Piper Pawnees.

Ooo, the Pawnees are fun too. 60mph stall speed, almost as good as a Cub.
No, that's not my opinion. My opinion, backed by fact, is that "chemtrails" is a fallacious concept used to describe an extremely simple and natural chemical reaction between a superheated airplane engine and supercold and humid air at altitude, and one that happens on its own without intent or human intervention. On the other hand, cloud seeding is an action that is taken with specific intent.

You appear to be conflating the two, which is fine - you are entitled to believe whatever you like.
I think I'll drop the term chemtrail and just stick with cloud seeding. Less agitating. Easier for people to discuss without fear of being labelled.
I've been lucky enough to fly a couple of helicopter simulators but I don't think I'd ever want to own and fly an actual whirlybird. I was cured of that back in 1993 when Davey Allison killed himself in one.
Yeah, fairly complicated machines, with additional means of failure compared to planes. My Dad went up with the same guy at some point and the bearing caps for the tail rotor started loosening and it sounds like you know what the rotational ramifications of that are! The owner/pilot was a former Army flight instructor, he showed us pics of one he crashed, complete with pics of the damage to himself, which were not significant, other than bruising.... he said they "roll like an egg!" Those dudes are crazy!

I think I'll drop the term chemtrail and just stick with cloud seeding. Less agitating. Easier for people to discuss without fear of being labelled.
I was at the UFO museum in Roswell a week ago and there are some interesting folks there!
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This is what I was talking about haha…lump all the inane theories together so they all sound nuts. The frogs are turning gay, or rather, changing sex completely! Here’s a study done by Berkeley.

It’s from a pesticide called atrazine. From the article: “ Some 80 million pounds of the herbicide atrazine are applied annually in the United States on corn and sorghum to control weeds and increase crop yield, but such widespread use also makes atrazine the most common pesticide contaminant of ground and surface water, according to various studies.”

“ More and more research, however, is showing that atrazine interferes with endocrine hormones, such as estrogen and testosterone in fish, amphibians, birds, reptiles, laboratory rodents and even human cell lines at levels of parts per billion. Recent studies also found a possible link between human birth defects and low birth weight and atrazine exposure in the womb.”

Hmmm, I dunno are Berkeley scientists credible enough? You never can be too sure ;)

^^^Whats the most commonly used crop that’s in more food items than you can count? Corn.
There ya go. Whatever it was, turned out to be much more sinister than gay frogs.
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I think I'll drop the term chemtrail and just stick with cloud seeding. Less agitating. Easier for people to discuss without fear of being labelled.

Probably for the best, because there is a good discussion to be had on cloud seeding, whether or not it is viable short- or long-term, the various methods employed and proposed, and so forth. Further, it's a scientific endeavor that intrigues me both because of the potential benefits to drought-stricken areas and the possible unknown side effects that may crop up (as they do in every scientific endeavor).

Yeah, fairly complicated machines, with additional means of failure compared to planes. My Dad went up with the same guy at some point and the bearing caps for the tail rotor started loosening and it sounds like you know what the rotational ramifications of that are! The owner/pilot was a former Army flight instructor, he should us pics of one he crashed, complete with pics of the damage to himself, which were not significant, other than bruising.... he said they "roll like an egg!" Those dudes are crazy!

I was once told by a career helicopter pilot that the question isn't whether you're going to crash, it's "how many" and "how hard." My dad was a Green Beret in 'Nam and he had enough stories about helicopter flying to fill several novels (including one where he had to ride back to base on a Huey's skid because he found a Viet Cong weapons cache hidden in a latrine and his unit buddies didn't want him stinking up the cabin).
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Probably for the best, because there is a good discussion to be had on cloud seeding, whether or not it is viable short- or long-term, the various methods employed and proposed, and so forth. Further, it's a scientific endeavor that intrigues me both because of the potential benefits to drought-stricken areas and the possible unknown side effects that may crop up (as they do in every scientific endeavor)
I've not read up a ton on it but I do worry about the law of unintended consequences here. Weather is such a huge complex system and that makes controlling for side effects difficult. Definitely something worth pursuing but the need for due diligence here cannot be overstated.
FP and DOM, are you suggesting that you don't believe the article MIG linked is based on real information?
I see this entire conversation has gone on all day while I've been driving around new England, but suffice it to say....if anyone equates cloud seeding for weather with commercial jetliners crisscrossing the sky to poison people or whatever, I cannot correct their problems.

Yer talking to a guy who grew up around crop dusters. My dad would take me out at night and we'd park near a field being sprayed just so I could watch them work.
Heh, my intro to crop dusters was here. Queen Creek Rd between i-10 and Price. Some mornings driving to work at Iridium - damn, communication satellites, now *i'm* in on it! - I'd encounter them spraying fields on the res.
Hell, they don't need to be Coyotes fans - go visit Sedona sometime if you want to see some really interesting nutbags, er, people. :D
Funny you mention that, I was literally there yesterday, went on an overnight trip to see some fall colors in Oak Creek Canyon (they did not disappoint) and yeah I'm aware of Sedona and its many crystal healing vortex residents. You can smell the patchouli before you even exit the 17. haha
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I see this entire conversation has gone on all day while I've been driving around new England, but suffice it to say....if anyone equates cloud seeding for weather with commercial jetliners crisscrossing the sky to poison people or whatever, I cannot correct their problems.

Heh, my intro to crop dusters was here. Queen Creek Rd between i-10 and Price. Some mornings driving to work at Iridium - damn, communication satellites, now *i'm* in on it! - I'd encounter them spraying fields on the res.

Pictures from my dining room window. Taken last summer.



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