While I understand Philly fans don't like being rejected by a college player, the reality is Gauthier and his agent did the team a huge favor by letting the team know early and remaining quiet so that Philly could negotiate a trade. Philly got a haul, particularly when compared to other collged guys who were traded for next to nothing.
Philly management did a really good job here. But the comments immediately after the trade make them look petty.
Things change. Like, for example, a team hiring a notorious jerk like Torts - who often targets young players - would have a real impact on a prospects thinking.
And unlike Philly management which is throwing Gauthier under the bus, Gauthier and his agent have said nothing. They easily could have said something like "we didn't think Philly offered the best development path for Cutter" or "He didn't want to play for Torts because he's a jerk". They also could have leaked the trade demand, thereby gutting the Flyers return.