I can respect that logic. big boy money comes with boy boy expectations. The reality of it is, these players are asked to be much more than just superstars. They are thrust into an environment unlike any in the NHL. The scrutiny and microscope on these guys is unlike any in the NHL. Could you imagine if we had signed bobrovsky to that deal he got in FLA, and for him to produce they way he did last year? He would never recover. This fanbase has, and will continue to bury players until they produce beyond their pay cheque. For Mitch, Auston and JT, they signed deals that we as a fanbase and media view as anchors. Holding us back so to speak. When in reality they are, and have been our best players. That narrative has never brought the best out of the player in Toronto. I cant help but remember what Mats Sundin said at his jersey ceremony. He practically urged the fans in attendance and those watching on TV to pump the breaks on these guys. As if to say, if you show them this kind of "support" they will not perform. I am not saying baby mitch, or any player for that matter. But fueling the fire doesn't help. Sidney Crosby said on spittin chicklets that taking less money only works if everyone around you does. So is Mitch really the villain in all of this? Mitch, Auston, JT all want to win, and they know when they need to step up. I expect them to do so personally