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Registered User
Jun 18, 2010
im the biggest griffen reinhart fan on this board... and even I thought that trade sucked for Edmonton... just bizzare

I actually was ok with Larson for hall... and l2017 as hall continued his immature behavior and injury prone I still was ok with it. of course, hall really got much much much much better this past season. we shall see how the rest of his career plays out. meanwhile Larson was the first dman drafted in his class for a reason. his raw tools are very good. he dealt with injurues this past year and the death of his father. hes only 25. zdeno chara at age 25 was still a second pair dman in Ottawa that hadn't cracked 40 points yet.

as people may or may not remember I was calling for lucic to be dealt a year before it happened and telling anyone that will listen that the legs fall off this type of player at age 30 or sooner... no power forward that creates all his offense from being a bull in the china shop ever stayed productive past this age. im a huge fan of Chiarelli and I was shocked he was the one that got suckered into the lucic signing.

I do wonder if the call to sign lucic came from above? theres a meddling owner and a couple layers of upper management above Chiarelli here in Edmonton

whoever gave lucic a 6 year deal was guaranteed to get burnt imo

but that isn't to say I wouldn't take him back at 1/2 cost. 3 mill for an elite (goon) is very good value now. we saw how vegas and Washington value their goons. if you can get a goon that can still take a regular shift and put up 30 points you are way ahead of the other teams in the league

6 mill for a top line player... no... lucic isn't that... but an elite 3rd line goon for 3 mill... id be all over that
Lucic returning would be a real cool story. Lucic Kuraly Backes sounds painful!


Bruin fan since 1975
Nov 26, 2006
Edmonton Canada
Lucic returning would be a real cool story. Lucic Kuraly Backes sounds painful!

people will say they are too slow... but throw them out against a 4th line for 8 mins a game and watch us get a 1 goal lead.

of course a 10 mill cap hit for 4th line play is too steep even with a bunch of elc contracts in the 3rd line and second line


Bruin fan since 1975
Nov 26, 2006
Edmonton Canada
Painfully slow lmao

the nhl has always been dictated by 'ahead of the curve' thinkers

trust me the advantage teams like the canadiens and oilers got from being 'fast' was far greater than any team has today

and also the advantage philly had from being a good squad was greater than any advantage any goon team has ever enjoyed since

once the innovator has changed the game... everyone else responds but then the overall impact of the original change is lessoned because now everyone does it.

Detroit and new jersey introduce the left wing lock... the trap... everyone counters it...

ultimately water finds its level and so does any new innovation in hockey. are guys getting faster? absolutely...
but are they also getting bigger? you do the math

speed is important... but speed without purpose is a forumula for losing. some of the fastest teams in the nhl are also the lowest bottom feeder teams.

im not saying that size will trump all. obviously a lot of bigger players can no longer play the game well. but how are malkin, benn, kopitar, wheeler, staal, Ovechkin, and burns doing just to grab a handful of names off the top of my head?

size can still be a huge factor in these guys play. these guys can still out muscel players for position... can still crush body checks... can still play like bulls on the ice.

the move towards speed is greater than ever before... everyone is buying into it. no one is going to win this race. as everyone attempts to get faster and faster the number of fast players that can actually do anything will thin out. more and more teams will be employing very useless players in their lineup just because they are fast

but small players are often timid.... often can be intimidated. players stop skating into traffic once they hear footsteps. its been proven for 100 years. there was ALWAYS fast players... and SIZE/INTIMIDATION was ALWAYS a factor

so the question becomes... who is fast enough to keep up AND ALSO provide that intimidation factor?

the day of the true goon is gone... guys like tony twist and tie domi who were around ONLY for fighting have been totally eliminated from the nhl.

but ryan reeves and tom Wilson were 'stars' for their teams last year... cup favorites like Washington/vegas/Pittsburgh are valuing these guys as high or higher than ever before.

we saw these 2 players make an impact on this past years playoffs.

I worry lucic wont want to play 'tough hockey' now that he has a huge contract and is getting older. but honestly id gamble on him. hes in a horrible situation in Edmonton where the team had no chance to win. hes being asked to be the leader and hes not the leader. its a forumula for disaster and if his heart isn't in it... he wont be able to play through the pain

I would like to see him with backes if it was affordable. backes defense is top notch. the two 'brothers' could feed off each other. inspire a friendly competition. backes makes the line defensively responsible.

shelter the heck out of them for matchups... but most teams don't have a 3rd line that would be able to hang with these guys. and no 4th line could.

let Bergeron/marchand make mincemeat out of whoever they get matched up against

let pastrnak add a huge danger element to the krecji/debrusk duo... id wager these guys would break even in their matchups at worst

then roll backes/lucic/and maybe kuraly out to pancake whoever the other team has left over

and it still leavens Heinen/donato/Bjork to team with wagner/Nordstrom/accari to fashion together a pretty damn impressive left over line too {I guess Heinen would likely be with Bergeron/marchand}

it would be a move against the flow... I get that. but its the innovator teams that move against the flow who end up being the teams we all call the dynasties. following the status quo doesn't work unless you get real lucky and get a couple generational players on your team through stinking for a few years and drafting very lucky


Registered User
Dec 15, 2017
North Of The Border
A cup is a cup is a cup.

Should, could, had. Means nothing until you win it all.

He actually made some great trades that help lead to the cup in 2011. Dealing for Seinenberg, Paille, Horton and Campbell,Recchi, Boychuk, Mcquaid, Ference, Kelly, Kaberle and Peverly all have their names on the cup do to PC bringing them to Boston Via the trade route.

The signings of Thornton and Ryder and of course he gets credit for the Chara and Savard signings and the Kessel trade was a very good one but after he won the Cup he seemed too take a huge step backwards with bad signings and of course the Seguin deal and its carried on over to Edmonton but yes he whirled some magic and brought in the majority of those players who helped win the Cup for the Bruins in 2011 but some where along the line he managed to go from the summit to the bottom in hurry with some major mismanagement after being a big part of bringing the Cup to Boston



The Perfect Fan ™
Sep 28, 2017
New England
What I mostly remember about Peter Chiarelli...
Binging a cup to Boston in 5 year.
After 39 years waiting for one.
But somehow people like to dump on the guy.
Don't know why they don't dump on all the other loser's that just screws teams and no cup.
There's lots of those to choose from.

There's nothing wrong with acknowledging what he did that was excellent as well as criticizing him for what he did wrong. Thank you for the Cup. You will forever be glorified for helping build a winner. I will always be able to remember my favorite team winning the Stanley Cup. However, Towards the end, it was wrong move after wrong move after wrong move. He got cocky, and developed that "smartest in the room" syndrome, and it blew up in his face. Glad he learned his lesson in Edmonton **Fart noise**


Bruin fan since 1975
Nov 26, 2006
Edmonton Canada
I think he meant Dennis Potvin

close as always... it was jean Potvin that I blame mostly... but I sure wouldn't put it past mike bossy and the elder mr Nystrom to have a hand in it too

cant trust any of those guys... oops almost forgot to throw blame at lorne henning and ken morrow before I finished my little psychotic rant


Bruin fan since 1975
Nov 26, 2006
Edmonton Canada
Yeah that really worked with McDavid...

how well did it or didn't it work? it certainly didn't benefit McDavid much... but why would it? does any winger benefit him?

how much does his production rate change depending on who plays with him? how much does his plus minus change depending on who plays with him?

have we found any wingers yet in Edmonton that benefit him? or any that slow him down? has he struggled with lucic on his wing?

McDavid doesn't really make his linemates better... other than maroon and draisailt… have any wingers really become special with him? ty rattie potted a few goals that bounced in off his butt and were put into an empty net... he figures to be one winger for McDavid next year... and ryan Hopkins... did that work?

anyhow... kuraly plays a MUCH MUCH MUCH different game than McDavid... kuraly puck pursues and crushes hits...

if there was a couple hound dogs close on his heals... going in the corner... crushing and destroying whatever poor fool was back there to retrieve the puck... setting up the cycle...

weve seen that before... they called it the legion of doom line... we saw it with lucic/Horton... that isn't ancent history im talking about

give the group a couple speedy dmen to limit the number of odd man rushes... put the guys out there in 3rd/4th line matchups...

comparing to McDavid and first line mins... is kind of ridiculous

if you don't like the idea... fine you don't like it... but the McDavid comparison is ridiculous without any real proof to back it up even if it wasn't ridiculous
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Bruin fan since 1975
Nov 26, 2006
Edmonton Canada
I'm pretty sure hes talking about Clark Gilles

my gripe with clark gilles is why is he in the hall of fame and terry oreilly isn't?

gillies 958 games... 319 goals... 697 points... a plus 245... 1025 pims
oreilly 891 games... 204 goals... 606 points... a plus 222... 2095 pims

you factor that powerhouse line gilles played on compared to the second line mates that oreilly was blessed with...

neither guy gets to the hof based on their offense.. its their grit/heart/character/toughness

no one is going to convince me gilles was the bigger heart/character

oreilly was by far the better defensive player.

so does it come down to the cup wins? is anyone telling me islanders wouldn't have won with oreilly? or that gilles would have been the difference maker if he was a bruin?

I was around when both these guys were at their prime... and oreilly was the better player. it burns me that gilles is in the hof and oreilly has never been close to getting in
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Bruin fan since 1975
Nov 26, 2006
Edmonton Canada
A cup is a cup is a cup.

Should, could, had. Means nothing until you win it all.

and that means 30 gms suck this year and should be fired

if we give a gm... 2 years to win... that means 29 or 30 gms suck and should be fired

if we give a gm... 3 years to win... that means 28 or 29 or 30 gms suck and should be fired

I wont even go to 4 years because we all know any gm that takes 4 years to win sucks and should be fired

its a cup or nothing... because a cup is a cup is a cup... and only a cup will ever indicate that a gm was any damn good at all. no cup and you suck and should be fired.
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Bruin fan since 1975
Nov 26, 2006
Edmonton Canada

I cant control how the hof voters vote... but ray bourque was no more deserving of the hof after his time in Colorado than he was after his time in boston.

if you say being the 5th or 6th best player on a cup winning team is more important than finishing top 20 in hart trophy voting twice for the entire league... I just seriously question the whole process
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Mr. Make-Believe

The happy genius of my household
Don and Chiarelli are good and I think they could do a deal if they had to

Chiarelli is looking at a

Larsson, Nurse, Klefbom, Bouchard

I like

Chiarelli can recover from this - he needs to get good evaluators in not yes men - and he probably has

Three moves 50-90% or more of HF Boards thought were bad on the spot

1. Trading 16 & 33 in a loaded 2015 draft with Kyle Connor, Barzal, Boeser, Chabot, Carlo, Konecny
Just a few names available at 16 & 33.

2. Hall for Larsson. I was in line at Universal for a ride and when I heard the deal I told the people I was with Adam Henrique was I this - it was two Adam’s for Hall - that made sense. How someone let Chiarelli do that deal as is is crazy

3. Signing Lucic

Ultimate thinking with cock not brains

The Eberle deal was also just horrendous.

If there's one thing that Chiarelli loves, it's trading big time point-producers for bags of garbage.


Formerly: Strafer
Jan 18, 2003
The Hub
I cant control how the hof voters vote... but ray bourque was no more deserving of the hof after his time in Colorado than he was after his time in boston.

if you say being the 5th or 6th best player on a cup winning team is more important than finishing top 20 in hart trophy voting twice for the entire league... I just seriously question the whole process
I have to say, you are on a roll today AOF!! Great stuff!:thumbu::highclap:
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Bruin fan since 1975
Nov 26, 2006
Edmonton Canada
The Eberle deal was also just horrendous.

If there's one thing that Chiarelli loves, it's trading big time point-producers for bags of garbage.

getting rid of 6 million dollar contracts that no one wants... without having to throw in any sweetners… is no easy feat

I will go on record now to predict Eberle will bounce around for the next 3-4 years as a guy everyone wants to get rid of from their team... he will be one of the top 10 guys mentioned in fantasy trades on the trade board.

in 3-4 years he will disappear altogether and no one will remember that much about him other than he had a pretty damn good showing at the wjc one upon a time

easily one of the softest players in the nhl… and someone that can suck the heart out of his team with his very very very weak play and his total lack of support to his teammates anytime the rough stuff happens

what were his career playoff numbers again after 8 seasons?

oh yeah... 13 games 0 goals/2 points a minus 6

teams were lining up a mile long to pay this kid 6 mill a season after that brilliant performance


Registered User
Dec 15, 2017
North Of The Border
my gripe with clark gilles is why is he in the hall of fame and terry oreilly isn't?

gillies 958 games... 319 goals... 697 points... a plus 245... 1025 pims
oreilly 891 games... 204 goals... 606 points... a plus 222... 2095 pims

you factor that powerhouse line gilles played on compared to the second line mates that oreilly was blessed with...

neither guy gets to the hof based on their offense.. its their grit/heart/character/toughness

no one is going to convince me gilles was the bigger heart/character

oreilly was by far the better defensive player.

so does it come down to the cup wins? is anyone telling me islanders wouldn't have won with oreilly? or that gilles would have been the difference maker if he was a bruin?

I was around when both these guys were at their prime... and oreilly was the better player. it burns me that gilles is in the hof and oreilly has never been close to getting in

This was O'Rielly incredilble 77-78 season. He was 6th in the league in points and penalty minutes.


1.Guy Lafleur* • MTL 132
2.Bryan Trottier* • NYI 123
3.Darryl Sittler* • TOR 117
4.Jacques Lemaire* • MTL 97
5.Denis Potvin* • NYI 94
6.Mike Bossy* • NYI 91
7.Terry O'Reilly • BOS 90
1.Bryan Trottier* • NYI 77
2.Guy Lafleur* • MTL 72
Darryl Sittler* • TOR 72
4.Bobby Clarke* • PHI 68
5.Denis Potvin* • NYI 64
6.Terry O'Reilly • BOS 61
1.Dave Schultz • 2TM 405
2.Tiger Williams • TOR 351
3.Dennis Polonich • DET 254
4.Randy Holt • 2TM 249
5.Andre Dupont • PHI 225
6.Terry O'Reilly • BOS 211
Points Per Game
1.Guy Lafleur* • MTL 1.69
2.Bryan Trottier* • NYI 1.60
3.Darryl Sittler* • TOR 1.46
4.Jacques Lemaire* • MTL 1.28
5.Bobby Clarke* • PHI 1.25
6.Mike Bossy* • NYI 1.25
7.Lanny McDonald* • TOR 1.18
8.Denis Potvin* • NYI 1.18
9.Terry O'Reilly • BOS 1.17
Assists Per Game
1.Bryan Trottier* • NYI 1.00
2.Bobby Clarke* • PHI 0.96
3.Guy Lafleur* • MTL 0.92
4.Darryl Sittler* • TOR 0.90
5.Jacques Lemaire* • MTL 0.80
6.Denis Potvin* • NYI 0.80
7.Terry O'Reilly • BOS 0.79
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