Adidas Bruins uniforms

I HATE the Black Socks.

Let Pittsburgh be Pittsburgh. the golf socks defined the Bruins uni for decades just as much as the Montreal chest-high stripe, and they gave the unis balance.

I am emailing the Bruins to let them know they suck and I hope you all follow suit!

fanrelations at bostonbruins dot com

I'm with ya. It's not that it looks BAD. It's that it seems un-Bruins.
God hockey fans can be whiney little *****es sometimes. They're black socks. The uniform is black. Who the hell cares.

In my opinion black socks and our uniform with the majority black and the alternative ninja suits are our best ones we have anyway.
Now that folks mention how the letters and numbers remind them of Chinese knock-offs that is all I can see. Pretty cheap looking. Sorry for being a whiny little *****.
I'm with ya. It's not that it looks BAD. It's that it seems un-Bruins.

Personally I've never liked the look of the Black 3rds having the sock striping pattern mirror the arm striping.

If they had used the previous striping pattern with a large band surround by two smaller bands, and the dominant colour being black, I could get more onboard.

Right now it looks like they are wearing Penguin socks from a distance.
Not a fan of the black socks. A quick scan of the NHL uniform database shows the B's have never had a primary black sock.

I understand - and this story may be apocryphal - that Gerry Cheevers had a hand in the Bruins re-introducing gold socks. When the Bruins went back to having 2 sets of socks in the late 1960s, Cheevers requested the socks with the dark sweaters *not* be black because he would have greater difficulty tracking the puck. That was a different era with rinks not as well-lit, but black helmets/sweaters/pants/socks seems a bit of overkill. The gold balances out the black well, especially with the gold shoulder yoke.

But, outside of the quickly-dated FleetCenter sweaters, the Bruins can always nail the uniforms.

I hope, in 2018-19, they introduce a gold third sweater, but wouldn't be heartbroken if the 2016 WC sweaters get re-used.
When I was an idiot kid, I would be disappointed each fall when they'd hit the ice with the same uniforms.

I was pumped when they switched them up for the move to the new building.
(My dad hated he change)

What I'd give for them to go back to the 1980-94 look...
So the uniforms have seen the ice with the Prospects tournament in Buffalo. Thoughts?


Not a fan. They are more imbalanced than the previous ones.

The yellow socks really looked excellent and they balanced the yellow shoulders. Also the old Yellow-Black-White numbers matched the arm/sock stripes. Now they are only Yellow and white. I think it makes the jersey uneven. It used to flow with black and gold throughout. Now whenever I look at that I see a gold heavy top and a black heavy bottom. That's some AHL BS. Totally a change just to make a change. It's still a nice looking jersey though even with my nit picking.
Not a fan. They are more imbalanced than the previous ones.

The yellow socks really looked excellent and they balanced the yellow shoulders. Also the old Yellow-Black-White numbers matched the arm/sock stripes. Now they are only Yellow and white. I think it makes the jersey uneven. It used to flow with black and gold throughout. Now whenever I look at that I see a gold heavy top and a black heavy bottom. That's some AHL BS. Totally a change just to make a change. It's still a nice looking jersey though even with my nit picking.

yeah the jersey is still one of the top 3 jerseys in the NHL IMO, but I hate that they changed the socks since they are virtually identical to the Penguins socks now. With the Pens going back to their 90's colors the Bruins should be doing all they can to distinguish themselves from the Pens and instead they made their unis looks more like the Pens.
If I had my way.....

I'd keep the current home blacks, but go back to the yellow socks from the 80's/early 90's. I liked the black-white-black striping pattern better, helps the pattern stand out more. Like someone else mentioned, the yellow socks balances out the yellow shoulder yoke.

For the road whites, I'd go back to the 80's whites with no shoulder yoke, but replace the yellow bear on the shoulders with the shoulder patch they have used since 2007-08, and use the current logo. Then combine that with 80's white socks with the black-yellow-black pattern, once again this pattern stands out better with the black lines on the outside.

Then I would leave the uniforms alone forever.
Still don't like the changes. Seeing them in action doesn't improve my view of them. Numbers don't match stripe pattern. Socks look like Pittsburgh. The whole black makes you look mean is played out.
Call me crazy, but is there a difference from the Reebok version of last season?

Looks the same to me.
adding hide avatars option

