Adidas Bruins uniforms

Bruins should never wear black socks. It's why I never fell in love with the 2nd Winter Classic and black 3rd. Makes it look like a damn adult sized one piece pajama. It doesn't work with the black pants.

Gold socks are so much better. Throws color onto the bottom half of the player. Not surprised they screwed it up. It's called Bruins.
I thought Adidas was going to completely butcher these jerseys. The changes are so minute, I really don't have much to say about them outside of "they look ok". B- for Adidas.
I was kind of hoping for a bit of a change in the past couple of years just to see something new.

But Adidas has made small and mostly insignificant changes which decrease the attractiveness of the uniform.
I like the Bruins new jersey. The black socks though are horrid. Terrible idea.

For the most part the new unis around the league look nice. Biggest upgrade has to be Minny. Several are pitiful -- Calgary, Edmonton, Washington, and NJ are my least favorites. Those Vegas home unis are on another level of bad. Looks like a kid got carried away with create a uniform in a video game. The aways look better since it is possible to see the numbers and names more easily.
Since they designed the black socks that way, I assume that the white ones are the negative match? All in all I feel that the new socks sux.:help::amazed:

Meh, it's not gonna make a difference in my life though but I wish that the NHL would STOP giving carte blanche power of decision making over to companies that (it seems to me) don't even know one iota anything about the game and how the uni's look on ice. I hated the Philly Flyers early '80s I think it was one piece pants, they were terrible and it looks like that what these morons at Adidas are imagineering. BLAH; Where's the puke emoticon when you need one?????
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Vegas is horrible, maybe I will change my mind when I see them on actual players on the ice but I'm not feeling it.

Buffalo needs to lose the numbers on the front, never cared for that.
Black Socks? Wow, I guess if you can't beat the Penguins, you can at least dress like them.:shakehead

This brings back horrible memories to 1995 when the Bruins entered the Fleet Center for the first time looking like Winnipeg Jet's with a Spoked B.

It's time for the nursing home Jacobs!
This is like when the Red Sox went back to navy lettering on the road in 09, but also wore navy socks.

A lot of the players complained and it was fixed.

This look is a cross between their previous home uniforms and the "Men in Black" alts with the black socks and the lack of the black outline on the numbers and names.

From the description, it sounds as if the white socks have been altered slightly as well. I'd expect the stripes to be thinner as they are on the black socks.
I can't find a pic with black socks. Is there a link with the entire uniform?
adding hide avatars option

