I guess it is worth quoting what one of Johnson's teammates said for those that haven't seen it:
Victor Bjorkung, another member of the Panthers, echoed those sentiments in a Swedish interview with Expressen.
“What Matt has experienced is unimaginable,” Bjorkung said, via a Google translation. “I don't understand how some people can behave, it's inhuman. I have texted him and expressed how I feel about everything and I support him. No one in our team thinks it's his fault, quite the opposite. We stand behind him.”
Bjorkung said anyone who thinks Petgrave's actions were intentional "can go to hell."
"It's so insane that people think it's deliberate," Bjorkung said. "Check the video, then you will see that it is an accident. Two skates collide right before, it goes so damn fast. There is no chance it is deliberate.