Those refs are donkeys, call the game the way it should be, it isnt about them. Why should what a coach say to you hurt your feelings and alter a game? Be a professional. It used to be if the coach had a problem with the call the ref would come over and explain what happened but now the refs hide at the other side of the ice , its happening at every level and then they get their feelings hurt because someone is trying to get their point across 85 feet away from him. If they can't do their job they shouldnt be there, and their job is to make the calls on the ice, that's not what they did last night. Last night was the refs fault, they messed up the game long before Quinn said anything, so you can dump that narrative. If he says nothing then nothing changes, I'd argue he probably should have said something earlier because they finally stopped trying to steal the show and put their whistles away after the 2nd, which I'd say happened because of a call from higher ups , it's not rocket science, do the job you were hired to, leave your biases at home and call the game.
I never complain about officiating, you can look it up here but last night, those refs were really really bad.