Post-Game Talk: 3 Down, 1 To Go

Bring Back Bucky

Registered User
May 19, 2004
Canadas Ocean Playground
Remember that time I said this.


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Connor McConnor

Registered User
Nov 22, 2017
Win or lose im proud of the boys. Lots of us doubted, myself included just wanted it to not be embarrassing and here we are. Holy f*** I’m so loaded at 7am in Istanbul (been on a career break travelling for past 3 months).

If I fly back to Vancouver in July with a Cup win I will personally guarantee to make every single one of those petty fans feel it every time I see them (I’m going to do it even if we lose)


Registered User
Apr 21, 2012

Well game 7 for all the marbles. Great W, Like Hyman said the Oil have to complete the story.

COMPLETE the story.

One for the ages.
Slightly OT, but you just described one of my favorite parts about this Cup run: the focus and determination of these players to stay humble and not count chickens before they hatch.

One of my worst memories from 2006 (second only to losing the Cup and Roli getting hurt) was Raffi Torres' interview after the Game 6 shutout at Rexall. When asked about the Canes, his reply to the media was, "I think we've got them right where we want them."

That was the moment where I instinctively knew that we wouldn't be ready for Game 7. And sure enough, the Canes shut us right down.

Very thankful for how this group has steered clear of that airhead mentality for the most part. Definitely think they flirted with it at the beginning of the SCF when they were joking about Mario Kart and being a little too loose for my liking. But they've tightened it up ever since then.


Registered User
Feb 26, 2019
Win or lose im proud of the boys. Lots of us doubted, myself included just wanted it to not be embarrassing and here we are. Holy f*** I’m so loaded at 7am in Istanbul (been on a career break travelling for past 3 months).

If I fly back to Vancouver in July with a Cup win I will personally guarantee to make every single one of those petty fans feel it every time I see them (I’m going to do it even if we lose)
I'm in Vancouver and my brother is choking hard. He says Florida will take game 7.


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