Oh, god, here we go again. Do you want to know what the worst part of these threads are?
It's all the wisenheimers that come on hear to make jokes and denigrate the posters who want to talk about young, standout hockey players. Imagine that! Talking about potential future NHLers on a site called Hockey's Future? What is the internet coming to?
As for those who say it's too early? Well, as long as the information shared here is publicly available and does not violate privacy laws, I see no problem with discussing it. Kids from around the world go to high-level hockey tournaments as young as 11 and 12 years old. These tournaments keeps stats and put them on websites. The players know this and the parents know this. If they had a problem with it, they either wouldn't go to the tournament or they would ask the organizers to stop. So, if you have a problem with that, get the WSI organizers to stop hosting these tournaments or go clutch your pearls somewhere else.
The wisenheimers never have anything intelligent to say either, like "Keep things in perspective" or even "He has a lot of developing left to do, a lot can change" it's always an attempt to shut it down and they pretend they are know-it-alls when some of the kids that are talked about in threads like this don't become stars. Guess what? Saying a kid won't become an NHL star is like the house in Vegas saying you're not going to win at roulette. The odds are greatly stacked in your favour, so that doesn't make you some kind of expert. Your comments are also boring as hell.
What is interesting, though, is trying to find out if there is anything about young players that is predictive ... things that we can look for and watch as they develop that teach us something about the development of hockey players. /rant