Currently Gawks #2 pick pre-lotto...our pick from TB in roubd 1 is at #22 ...of course TB could flip a switch and get to EC Final in pkayoffs...then pick would be anywhere from 29-32 depending how mich further they get. to tge Cup.
If it remained as is then if lotto bumps back Hawks back 1 or even 2 spots....wouks Hawks offer their own pick plus rge #22 to move back upto #2or #1 abd woukdxteans holding #1or#2 grab on to such an offer?
Maybe it depends on whether Hawjsxgot bumped back to #3or wre bumped 2 spots back to #4?
Or it coukd be Hawjs woukd just accept whoever remains at #4 and accept what they can get at #22?
But if only bumped back to#3,I think they woukd offer that plus # 22 to move uo to at least #2...
Bit tgese scenarios far away yet ...If Hawks draft outvofctop 4 after lotto=disaster. As after Bedard,Fabtilli ,Mi chjov and Carlsson you already drip into a 2nd tier...