How does cognition effect this?
They are believed to be high throughput pathways as they are elongated and unlike other neurons, only branch out to a single synapse (single dendrite). They are very rare, both in our brains and in the animal kingdom.
We only find them in the anterior cingulate cortex, fronto-insular cortex and dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. All three brain regions are intimately close to each other and the VENs are all located in layer V, which is the exterior layer of each cortex. This very peculiar region is known as the salience network. This is the region that lights up when you awaken and become conscious. It lights-up even more when you're at full attention. It is said to be the seat of our consciousness, where all pathways project to and merge to form ourselves, our wsking reality. It's also the same places where our empathy is managed, whether cognitive or affective, but let's not get into that. This bridge of sorts, the salience network, comes between our mid brain and fore brain. In very reductive terms, it's the bridge between (among other things) our social/emotional brain (mid) and our rational brain (fore).
Now, the real proof of the relationship of salience network / VENs / consciousness / sociality-empathy lies in convergent evolution. All primates, pachiderms and cetaceans have them. We've seperately evolved the same cell type (VEN) long after branching out in the evolutionary tree. These also happen to be the mammals that have the highest rate of mirror self-recognition, meaning they are self-aware. They also happen to have some of the most complex social behaviors of all mammals, only surpassed by us. They display intricate communication, episodic memory, complex emotions (elephants cry at the graves of their dearly departed, years after they died) and conflict resolution, among other more human-like behaviors. Among primates, the best problem solvers, bonobos and chimps, also happen to have the most VENs among all primates. Bonobos actually have the closest number and similar organization of VENs as humans do. Bottlenose dolphins are also the best problem solvers and have the highest count of VENs among all cetaceans. They have massive forebrains, another convergent evolution.