I rarely comment in this thread...
But I can't help myself at the moment, but I have to say...
Chevy is vindicated for making the savvy the acquisitions he did... just the upper end middle players we needed with some term... players that know how to play their role and be effective...
Chevy didn't make the big kill acquisitions for big money layout because he had figured something out... would have been a waste...
I think Chevy had seen enough after inserting Bones and his ethic, then the collapse after the Jets little hiatus...
He has confirmed lack of character in some of the core...
I expect some serious moves coming up once this group is done this year...
It doesn't matter if this team squeaks into the play offs... the core of this team just doesn't have it and never will...
Time to move on from them...
Feel free to insert names into this conversation... draft picks, more Nino' and Name' type players, young existing talent with possible upside... etc....
Send the malcontents, can't get alongs, lack of focus players to our competition... it should make them weaker...