When is the last time you've checked? Less than five years ago Hirscher had 52 points. The avg ppg is 0.691, so unfortunately 0.333 is not average. Beniers had 9 in 8 just last year.
Below is a simple list of the highest ranked forward draft pick of the past 22 years and their stats during their inaugural season in the NHL. Whenever a G or D was picked, I went with the next first forward. As it turned out, it was quite easy to spot that it was rather rare for a non-forward to be picked 1OA, and in all cases the best forward was picked at the lowest 2OA.
In all cases except 2004 Ovechkin (lockout) and 2000 Dany Heately the 1OA started the season in the NHL immediately after their draft, so if we compare Slaf to
this cohort it isn't unusual for him to start in the NHL. The problem is when people claim that Slaf is treated like any other 1OA except when it comes to production/performance expectations from 1OAs, in that case they scoff and say he was never meant to be compared to other 1OAs.
Red highlight = lowest 10% performers as per PPG
Yellow highlight = above average performers as per PPG
Green highlight = top 10% performers as per PPG
fun fact if you remove Crosby, Ovechkin, McDavid, and Beniers the average ppg is 0.569/48pts in aa 82 game season. Slaf is on pace for 27 as of writing, I think he will finish with a pace of 35ish if he keeps improving which gets him in the range of Lafreniere, J Hughes, Svechnikov, and E Staal -- not bad company.
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