Where did I write Russia outplayed Canada? On the scoreboard though Russia has won. It is at least an indication that Canada for all it's statistics dominance wasn't clearly better. I also don't see how canadian goaltending was suspect. I see at as looking for excuses. And the lack of finish doesn't happen without "help" from the other team too.
You have to realize critisizm(and there wasn't any in my post towards the canadian team. they gave it an honest effort and did what the coaches told them to do) has nothing to do with emotions like hatred. You just go through the boards here and you will realize there is a lot of arrogance by many canadian posters. You can go to the prediction thread where they'd just claim Canada is sooo superior this year and will win it easily. I haven't seen any fan of any other team here claim their team would win it just like that. I faced it so many times by so many Canadains. And from what I've seen here other fans from Sweden, US wherever often face the same attitude. Of course not all Canadians are like that, but there are more than some. And that means when the score is on the board and Canada has lost a game those ppl who claimed Canada would take the World by storm look silly. Canada is Hockeycountry so it's probably tough for some Canadians to accept others not only can catch up to them, but also surpass them.
If we're talking juniors development right now I seriously think US and Sweden have done just that. Canada still produces the quantity, but in things of quality the canadian system has serious troubles. And the goaltending trouble is definitely an indication. And how can you deny the recent WJC results? This has nothing to do with one game.
As for this game, yes I see the old school canadian hockey of throwing pucks to the net as outdated. And I've seen canadian teams play a different, more sophisticated hockey. We are in an era where a fusion of NA hockey with european hockey is driving the good things in regard of strategy and tactics. Sticking to one half of it is not a good thing in my book. This is what the WJC Canada squad's coaching staff is doing in my opinion. If that's a sign of hatred towards them on my part to say so, I can't change it.
edit: I mostly was amused about the anouncers. they are really something... like every year.