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I'm not very well-versed with our current generation of young players, but my first impression is worse than last year, which is surprising to me, given the hype these guys got before the start of tourney. Talented forward group, played little too much individually for my liking and their backchecking leaves a lot to be desired, but these are the sort of things, which can be improved with some time. The real problem (and it has been for years) is that the defensemen again look like a bunch of immobile pylons without any kind of ability to create something (well other than a turnover). Vaněček is pretty much the only guy I've seen frequently before the tourney started in Benátky and he didn't seem bad, but not really great either. I hope it was just a bad game but honestly, this team doesn't really scream "medalist" to me ...
Yeah I completely agree with you. They don't have that medalist mojo like last year. (Even though they weren't a medalist team). It's mainly because of Prerost, our ONLY hope is that Prerost makes some changes. We lost and deserved to lose. He played our worst Defenseman all game long and the most minutes. I can't even count on my fingers how many times Klok made mistakes that led to Swedish chances. He should have never been played.... Or Nemecek. It's ridiculous.