When you have bern criticizing proposals, you know something is wrong..lol
Love is given, respect is earned.
Many of you have chosen to show love to proposals trading Girardi now, instead of making the tactical move to sell Girardi when he was higher so we could get max for him.
The love is yours to give or not as you see fit.
Tell it like it is, let your conscience be your guide.
But it is about time some respect was acknowledged to me, for thinking outside the box, for proposals you guys dismiss as outlandish when in truth they are not as bad as made out to be and not as bad as some others made.
The example about MDZ + negligible for Yakupov is case in point.
Girardi + substantial + now could still work, but Edmonton overrates their top 4.
However, If a serious push was made to add w/Girardi to get that 1st overall, we could have had Yak and it would have cost a lot less than the substantial overpayment we would have to make now.
Of course, nobody wanted to jump on the move Girardi bandwagon THEN.
But what is most troublesome is like some of you guys are married at the hip to some of our guys. It's beyond a mancrush.
I have nothing vs. Girardi, I salute his solid body of work.
But we need to convert actual valued assets for enough higher potential assets to come out ahead. That and good drafting, which takes time is all we can do.
Please guys, let's be fair and praising or critical on merit, which is fine.
But let's realize that I'm one of the few who really tries to get ahead of the curve. And not only is it an issue that you flame me for this, but you fail to come up with your own solutions to get ahead of the curve.
Getting ahead of the curve = reality. Deal with it. Better, embrace it, master it.