It's funny, just the other day I was thinking about how our board has a mix of North American and European posters and both tend to gravitate toward players who come from closer to home.
I think there's a location bias, even unintentionally, because we tend to be more familiar with the players to whom we have somewhat regular access.
Even Bob McKenzie's list tends to favor North American kids. Not because he doesn't like or value European players, but because his access to North American scouts is likely to be significantly better than his access to European scouts.
I think there's also a perception, albeit one that is changing, that North American kids are more likely to settle into supporting roles if they don't become stars. In contrast, there's the perception that it's a little more "all or nothing" with many European prospects. If they're not NHL ready, they're going back home. If the skills don't translate, they aren't as likely to find a different role.